Joe, Nancy And Mitch Did Not Get Rich Off Their Government Salaries – And They Don’t Work For You – IOTW Report

Joe, Nancy And Mitch Did Not Get Rich Off Their Government Salaries – And They Don’t Work For You

The Republic of Venice was for almost a thousand years one of the great powers of Europe. In an age of absolute monarchs and feudalism, it was a relative democracy with a constitution and a leader chosen for the job – not born into it.

That leader was called the Doge. He was subject to tight restrictions on his activities. In particular, the Doge’s interaction with foreigners was limited. He could not meet with foreign diplomats in private. He could not accept any gifts from foreigners more valuable than a pot of herbs.

The Venetians knew something. They understood how easily leaders can be seduced by foreign interests.

Joe Biden has spent his life as a public servant earning what is in the scheme of things a relatively modest salary. Prior to becoming Vice-President, Joe and his wife made in a typical year somewhere around $250,000. That is from all sources including Jill’s job at a community college and Joe’s part-time teaching gig.

Then Joe became Vice-President and gained massive access and influence. His contacts with foreign leaders jumped dramatically. Hunter Biden began to travel the globe selling access to his father.

Joe left public service at the end of Obama’s second term. He stepped out from under the intense scrutiny that went with his position as Vice-President. Suddenly, the floodgates opened. more

10 Comments on Joe, Nancy And Mitch Did Not Get Rich Off Their Government Salaries – And They Don’t Work For You

  1. Most Americans do not have class envy, they don’t begrudge anyone becoming wealthy honestly. If millions of dumbasses want to buy Michelle’s book, thinking it provides gravitas or standing within the chardonnay drinking community and she gets rich over their pathetic cry for validation, good on her. Ditto with the genius that created the pet rock.

    But Jefferson’s vision of the citizen politician, the guy that out of civic pride and duty, puts his business on hold for 2 years while he goes to Washington to represent the folks back home, then quits, giving his position to someone else, this was the model of efficiency, not allowing anyone to get too comfortable and abuse the process. A self-regulated term limit system.

  2. Fortunately we can count on all the pigs feeding at the public trough to change the system and institute term limits. They’ll also put the kibosh on accepting any form of compensation outside of their salaries.

    They’ll do this when we force them to and that is what will have to be done. Otherwise, they’ll bring this nation crashing down and blame others for it while happily counting their ill-gotten lucre.

  3. When gov’t “service” is the road to riches, the country is in a tailspin.
    We’ve seen it before, and we’re experiencing it now.
    President Trump was the last rich guy to go into gov’t service – the rest became rich IN gov’t “service.”
    Town Council to Presidency – Obola had a gross worth of some $250,000 when he entered his “presidency” and came out with a gross worth of some $40 Million.
    That is absolutely grotesque.
    The Clintons were criminals from the start; cattle futures, White River Scam, drugs flown into Mena, &c., the Governorship of Arkansas was their springboard into Deep State Criminal Conspiracy – drugs, murder, extortion, money laundering, culminating with selling State Dept. secrets to the highest bidder though a shithouse server.

    And, apparently, they all (Pelosi, McConnell, Clinton, Obola, Jarrett, McCarthy, Ryan, Kerry, Axelrod, spread enough around to keep the FBI and DoJ on a tight leash.

    Boss Tweed had nothing on these International Crime Bosses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Paul Pelosi, Sr.’s company made something like $3.8 billion off of ‘no bid’ contracts during the Iraq War … that’s the scam they pull. declare a ‘national emergency’ & then give out taxpayer $$$ like candy to enrich themselves & their relatives

    … creating wars is like crack cocaine to the ruling class

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