Joe Regurgitates Obama’s Most Frightening Campaign Line – IOTW Report

Joe Regurgitates Obama’s Most Frightening Campaign Line

As C. Steven Tucker says, “Is Biden TRYING to lose?”

11 Comments on Joe Regurgitates Obama’s Most Frightening Campaign Line

  1. Fundamentally Transform the country…
    Yer Chicom Buddies have already done that for you, you flaming Jackass, Joe!! President Trump did what no one else has ever done before and the Commies and the Defecrats can’t stand it and can’t have it! How does it feel to be Uncle Jinping’s little monkey jerking around on the end of his chain?

  2. The DNC will resort to abandoning Biden and in desperation name Hillary as presumptive nominee. Men hating women will bark like a pack of fox hounds chasing it’s prey. Chickafied liberal men will squat to pee and Hillary will lose, making America great for another four years. Amen.

  3. ode to “feeler” joe (apologies to bobbie gentry)
    .a demonrat-groper named biden
    .got reamed when he went into hidin’
    .they knew he was useless,
    .a pervert & truthless
    .he’s a president wanna-be doofus

  4. I remember when Jug Ears uttered that line about fundamentally transforming the country and I was thinking that it would be a death knell for his candidacy. Boy was I wrong. It was obvious to me that Obama hated this country and everything it stood for. Evidently, that was a feature, not a bug for his supporters. The people in the middle were fooled but they won’t be again. Biden has no shot.

  5. Regurgitating lies is what all Demonrats know how to do.

    Think of every single belief a liberal spouts and then see if anything single thought they have has any truth to it.

    This is how Satan has always operated since Eve. Surely you shall not die…

    Murdering precious infants= ok

    Every possible sexual and mental perversion = ok

    Denial of every constitutional right and amendments = ok

    Outright hatred to God and persecution of Christianity = ok

    Free everything to everyone forever = ok

    Communism is utopia = ok

    Climate is manmade and manageable by man = ok

    And the original lie from Lucifer:

    Man is God

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    Yet 48% of our population is suborned by Satan, while 85% of Europe is.

    We are rapidly approaching the end times here but God in his infinite love is offering yet another chance for us to redeem and repent.

    The scales on many eyes are currently being lifted through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as PDJT and the patriots allow Lucifers legions to expose themselves daily now. They are screaming from the mouths of the Demonrats spawn as they panic at the redemption being offered to us.

    Man’s justice is coming to the seditious traitorous rat bastards of Satan but God Almighty’s justice is forever.

    If you are a liberal who trolls this site get down on your knees and repent.

    Your master Satan will destroy you, he cares not for your immortal soul and it and you will live in torment forever if you fail to repent while you are yet alive on this earth.


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