Joe the Idiot Unwittingly Campaigns For Trump – IOTW Report

Joe the Idiot Unwittingly Campaigns For Trump

Biden calls the president “president Hump,” and calls it a Freudian slip. Then he goes on to talk about how unbelievably positioned we are in the world, economy-wise and jobs-wise.

Ummmm… Mr. Idiot, that’s because of the current president.

14 Comments on Joe the Idiot Unwittingly Campaigns For Trump

  1. His verbal slips and inability to remember the pronunciation of complex words are a clear sign of dementia…the child molester eliminates himself from contention every time he opens his ignorant mouth.

    The depravity of Demonrats know no bounds. Their best candidates are an obvious pedo with Alzheimer’s, a harridan lying, opportunistic, harpy and a crazy commie who combs his hair with a balloon ( borrowed that last one from the inter web)….

  2. And what better than to also promise what Hillary did and brag about how another coal mine will never be opened and we will be closing the ones that are operational as soon as possible. Nothing better than telling swing state voters their high paying jobs will go poof. Gotta get back to managing the decline. When I’m not dealing with my health issues.

  3. Got all flummoxed on existential…. Someone else has already stated in these pages; (and I paraphrase) “..they are seeking to make mike obama appear normal when he is nominated…”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. That was not a “Freudian slip” It was staged. He read it. Take a look. He’s reading: “If Donald Hump–Donald Trump is re elected Freudian slip.” yadda yadda yadda.
    He dosen’t have the wit to come up with Freudian slip. It had to be written out for him. Come on man!

  5. Jill has a Froydian slip ……. it’s made outta silk .. she wears my crothchelless panties with it

    dammed shame she’s so old ……… bet she was hell when she was 12!

    kinda rimes, don’t it?

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