Joe Tzu – IOTW Report

Joe Tzu

h/t Doc.

26 Comments on Joe Tzu

  1. During these troubling times it’s important to remember that our military made sure to stay strong by getting rid of the soldiers that didn’t take the covid vaccine. So don’t worry!
    Also we spent all that time training our soldiers in woke leftist politics so we are all good!

    – David Suslenskiy on twitter

  2. “Whether at war or at peace, always rape the children. Rape the children of your freinds abd your enemies, even rape your own children and grandchildren? Why? C’mon man, because I really enjoy raping children! Jill says if I read this Ukulele thing right, she’s gonna have the Secret Service hold TWO 9 year old blondes for me! Wait, what were we talking about?”
    -Joe Tsu, “The Art Of Evil”

  3. I’ve seen many of the “Joe Tzu” memes but this is the best so far. I wonder if any of our “leaders” have read Sun Tzu. I figure Joe Isuzu…I mean Tzu… would just look at the pictures.

  4. Pedo McFuckface is late yet again for his press conference on Ukraine.

    You really have to speculate what wonderdrug cocktail he is getting by IV so he can stand upright and keep the slurring, misstatements, word substitutions, and brain farts to a minimum.

    Whatever the cocktail is his flash to bang time for it to take effect on his limited lucidity must be elongated as his tardiness is only increasing.

    Rude bastard has not met one single time hack since he took office no matter how much backwards planning they do.

    This stupid senile fucker is going to get us nuked.

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