Joe Walsh loses national radio show – IOTW Report

Joe Walsh loses national radio show

WaEx: Joe Walsh said he lost his national radio show after announcing his campaign for president.

The former Republican congressman from Illinois told CNN on Monday he does not know why he was let go, but said most of his audience supports President Trump.

“I just got a notice before I came in the studio. I’m running for president. I oppose this president. Most of my listeners support the president. It’s not an easy thing to do to be in conservative talk radio and oppose this president. And I knew that, John, when I made the announcement yesterday, that it could be in jeopardy,” he told guest host John Berman. more here

20 Comments on Joe Walsh loses national radio show

  1. He didn’t know? Come on. I know you’re stupid Joe, I’ve heard you on the radio, but nobody is that stupid.
    Candidates do not get free airtime.

    This guy is a Buffoon. BUFFOON!

  2. Womp, womp.

    This guy is a performance artist not a politician. He holds no office but they keep referring to him as Rep. Walsh (R-IL). Hasn’t held office in a decade.

  3. This moronic deadbeat dad, coupled with his racist twitter history and financial scams, is about to experience some “Avenatti Karma”. He just doesn’t know it yet. And I hope Bill Kristol is standing beside him when lightening strikes.

  4. I couldn’t listen to that guy for two minutes. How did he ever get a show on conservative radio stations anyway?
    Maybe he can get a job at CNN after McCabe gets indicted. Couldn’t be any worse than the Beavis and Butthead show (aka Morning Joe and Mika).

  5. He knew he had to give up his radio show if he got into any race. He was supposed to give notice and didn’t.
    Nah, he just made it look like he got cut off. Childish POS!
    I’m sure they were glad to finally be rid of him anyway. lol

  6. They censor someone with whom I agree… Boo!
    They censor someone with whom I disagree… Yea!
    Hypocrisy! Is this not how the Gentiles, er, Leftists, act?
    Don’t take his radio program away, REFUTE HIM!

    I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

  7. @geeknerd: And I disagree with your analysis of what we’re saying here.

    He’s not being ‘censored.’

    He’s being REJECTED by his host – a legitimate business decision.

    It’s also a legitimate political decision by his host, should that be the case. Review “freedom of association.”

    He HAS been refuted, here and elsewhere.

    He’s not even a RINO. He’s a flippant ass – a showman opportunist.

    The country is in critical condition – we don’t need his input to infuse the enemies of freedom – not now.

  8. When Reagan ran in 1980, TV stations were not allowed to show Bedtime for Bonzo because Reagan was a Presidential candidate, but Walsh expects to be able to keep his political talk show??

  9. Jimmy, that’s the same logic YouTube uses to demonitize conservatives. Are his ratings low? Then cancel his show; don’t cancel his show because he’s a never trumper

  10. I wonder what Joe would have thought about Trump remaining on “The Apprentice” – and using the show to promote his campaign – while he was running for president. You think he would have been okay with that?


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