Joe wonders what the 9/11 victims would think of all the Buck Fiden signs he is seeing – IOTW Report

Joe wonders what the 9/11 victims would think of all the Buck Fiden signs he is seeing

20 Comments on Joe wonders what the 9/11 victims would think of all the Buck Fiden signs he is seeing

  1. Incoherent Bastard. More proof that President* Boo Radley Obiden Bama’s brain has slipped the surly bonds of cognitive dissonance. He’s living proof that illegal elections have Catastrophic Consequences.

  2. This is Pedo you’re talking about here. He’s nothing but demented, bitter evil. If he thinks about 9/11 victims at all, it’s about how he can make MORE and increase the suffering of those who mourn them.

    Joe knows enough to know his time will end soon, and where he’s going when it does, so he wants young men to die because he’s bitter in his old age at their vitality, and he wants as many as possible to precede him as an offering to his master satan in the deluded hopes he will co-rule hell if he does.

    But WHICH 9/11 victims? Those who were sacrificed in 2001, those who were sacrificed in 2012, or the soldiers and support personnel sacrificed in between?

    …it’s a very long list, and it’s going to get much, MUCH longer, so you need to spec it…

    …also, Joe is like stalin in his Communism, but also in this;

    …don’t worry, Pedo is just fine about victims, he must be, he’s busy making more…

  3. “What would the people who died be thinking? They think it makes sense to be doing this kinda thing where you ride down the street and see a sign that says ‘F so-and-so’?”
    Yes, Usurper Joey, they died because of traitors like you.
    They understand perfectly well.


    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They wouldn’t think anything of it. This was New York, and they voice strong and frequently profane opinions frequently. Joe Biden was nothing more than a poor to mediocre Senator from Delaware whose only attribute was that he reliably voted Democrat. If New Yorkers thought anything about any such protest signs, they would have wondered who would have wasted the time to make signs protesting this fool.

  5. Hey Joe it’s a sign of the times. I took a little trip to a larger town about an hour and a half from home and I was struck by something I noticed. The Trump signs were still up but I did not see one single Biden sign. FU Joe.


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