Joe Won’t Run – IOTW Report

Joe Won’t Run


27 Comments on Joe Won’t Run

  1. Nope, the fix is in. This is the proof. The GOPe and the CoC and the whole Washington Uniparty will throw in for Hillary, the Uniparty’s last best hope. The Dems and Repubs need to focus their energies now on destroying Trump. They sense their windw is closing. No more time for trifling with sideshows like Joe Plugs.

    It’s Trump against the whole Washington Establishment. We patriots need to work to ease his path similarly. Huckabee and Santorum and FioRino and Rubio, the whole lot of ’em. They’re just in the way at this point.

    God bless and God speed, Mr. Trump.

  2. I dunno Chief. They’re trying to through the fix in. But they weren’t counting on Trump. Barry hates the Clintons. She needs to survive the e mail/Benghazi investigations, and Trump would fillet her in the debates. With Trumps style it would be easy to paint him as the bully going against Warren. Time will tell. One way or the other we need Trump in the White House. After fumigating of course.

  3. Plugs McKenzie’s entire speech was a veiled push for incrementally increased communism and Marxism through fiat despotism. The code-word used over and over was: Equality – Equality – Equality.

    Seems to me that GOD created everyone equally, and that it is our job and opportunity under God to work to better oneself throughout their entire lives.

    Bettering oneself by definition means becoming more unequal.

    Equality leads to stagnation, and forced equality leads to misery on a global scale.

    The reason America was once the greatest country in the world was because it was unequal and unequaled to the rest of the planet.

  4. They have been saving this announcement for the right time.
    Today is that time – Killary is tesifying before the Benghazi panel.
    She needs this as a distraction.
    Pay attention to the lamestream media tonight – it will be all about Joe’s announcement and not her testimony.

  5. Doubt it, since Fauxcahontas is as “open” (and cranky) a Socialist as Col. (Bernie) Sanders, while Hillary is still a quasi-covert one, and the CORRUPT, UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION things will be drowned out in LameStream Media blather.

    Won’t matter. She’ll lose…unless there’s MASSIVE voter fraud.

  6. I sure hope voter support consolidates around one candidate (and Trump seems to be doing a bang-up job of it so far) BEFORE the end of the year, as the No-Holds-Barred smear campaign from both GOPe and Dems will run ALL January 2016, prior to the first Primaries in February.

  7. Secret Service keeps telling Joe he can’t fire his wife’s shotgun thru the door every time they knock. That’s why he won’t run, too many motel stays while on the campaign trail.

  8. I’m still not convinced that the field is set. The Next One® has not revealed him/herself yet. There’s still two months left before the end of the year. Plenty of time to come forth and surprise the electorate.

    The Democrats have been too sly during the past two presidential elections for me to believe they are truly this bad. Something’s gonna happen. I just know it.

  9. You want signatures? The Left can get you signatures, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, they can get you signatures by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.

  10. A close aide, who was not authorized to comment, said that he didn’t think running shoes look good with his vice president suit. Plus he gets all sweaty and out of breath n-shit.

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