Joel Pollack on the dangerous game Trump might be playing – IOTW Report

Joel Pollack on the dangerous game Trump might be playing

There is a proper sequence the immigration deal must follow in order for Trump to not lose his base.

There are deal breakers out there.

Pollack details them and is pretty spot on.


ht/ c. steven tucker

15 Comments on Joel Pollack on the dangerous game Trump might be playing

  1. Pollock pretty much nails it, although I think he underestimates the intensity of his voter base revolting.

    If Trump screws this up he’ll be making fools out of millions of supporters.

    People don’t take kindly to being made fools of.

  2. ……… I get 27 seconds in and I’m realizing….. slowly…. that I’m looking at Uncle Fester debate Curious George.

    But then Curious George finally gets a word in edgewise and now I’m thinking he’s that guy who played Pinto from Animal House. But with like, facial hair provided courtesy of the Muppet Workshop. Look at him. that’s Pinto. The guy who made it with the Mayors daughter on the 50 yard line. She went on to cut her hair and pick up an Irish accent to play Danny’s girlfriend in Caddyshack who winds up not being pregnant which is good I suppose, as far as their respective futures are concerned. What with Danny winning the caddy scholarship from the country club he worked at which was supposed to be set in Illinois but was actually filmed in Florida.

    Now, Florida has a funny shape to it but that fact doesn’t seem to bother it’s inhabitants. Even though everything in the Seminole language is just a variation on the word “wang’. THAT fact is probably what made Daniel LaRusso’s mom drive them both to California so she could take a job with Rocket….yes, the Freudian conundrum is not lost on me….. which allowed Daniel-san to meet Mr. Miyagi and ultimate cheat his way to victory in a karate championship.

    C’mon, that crane kick would have been disqualified by any reputable governing body, we all know it. We’re just supposed to have pity on the new kid from America’s wang…there, I said it… just because he’s forced by his brutish Asian master to perform menial labor around his house and priceless collection of antique cars.

    It’s like something out of a Billy Wilder movie.

    God I miss Gloria Swanson. She was FANTASTIC in Sunset Boulevard. Even though they really didn’t show as much of the street as I thought they would.

    Ah well, that’s Hollywood for you. It’s all Uncle Festers and Curious talking Monkeys as far as the eye can see.

  3. The first thing to do when MSNBC throws up phony poll numbers, is to reject them.

    I have a friend who is an illegal. He’s a good guy, and if he alone had a temporary work permit, I could accept that. BUT, numbers matter. We can’t take in Millions now and Millions later.

    Right now, we need to FLUSH Millions that Bunghole brought in. If my friend has to go because a rule’s a rule, so be it.

    My suspicion is that the US has maybe 50 Million illegals of various types. Some came legally as tourists and just never went home. Leaving them where they are creates a FATAL infection of the USA.

  4. They have been distorting the actual numbers for years, there are 40-50 million here illegally. The Chamber of Commerce has been calling the shots for a while now. It’s vital that we reverse this before it’s too late. If Trump buckles where do we turn?

  5. Immigration is our Armageddon. Dems/Repubs, CoC, Wall St, K St, Antifa, LaRaza, BAMN, NeverTrumpers, MSM, Hollywood, etc., vs US.

    I don’t subscribe to the 3D chess meme. Negotiations of this magnitude between this many warring factions is not for the faint of heart and will require steadfast resolve to fight to the very end.

    “Their” side will take to the streets & airwaves like never before, other countries will ramp up campaigns. Our side is not prone to demonstrate & burn things, we attempt change in a civil manner, at the ballot box.

    Are we about to witness another Brexit or Trump victory? It’s a nail biter to be sure, but Trump has to know if he fumbles this issue, his base, no matter what other legislation he gets thru, will not support him in 2020.
    He also has to know even if he agrees to amnesty/open borders, the other side will not support him either. That’s just how they roll. So, either he loves this country like I think he does and will fight to do the right thing, or he caves just for the sake of “negotiating a deal”.

    Personally, I expect he’ll insist on a straight bill on DACA (without RAISE, e-verify or the wall attached to appease the Ds) and force the establishment to a vote. The Rs (and Ds from states he won) who don’t wish to be Cantor-ized will not support DACA/Amnesty. IF the bill passes, he will veto and send back to include RAISE/e-verify. Either way, this sets the stage for 2018 and is Trump’s method of negotiating by allowing the voter’s to decide.

    OT – just had power restored 11:00 last night. I’ve never been so excited to do laundry, vacuum or cook a meal in the oven! Also, a glistening sheen is attractive on youthful skin, middle aged women, not so much.

  6. The game may already be over. Trump may realize that and is just running out the clock. Anyway, I don’t see anything that his “voter base” can do to punish Trump. After all, he’s not a professional politician and he could just walk away from this gig in 2020, or sooner. It’s not like he needs the money.

    Bottom line: Most people voted for Trump to get rid of Hillary.

    Mission accomplished.

  7. “The Wall Will Come Later” that’s all I needed to hear.
    I just tapped out. Good Luck Mr. President. Working with Chuck Schumer
    you just dove into the swamp.

  8. I’ve never heard a politician’s campaign promise that turned out to be what he said. Trump will be no different, so I await to see what really happens. The media narrative has formed, but the deal hasn’t. Trump can end up blaming both the Dems and RINOs (the Swamp) next year, and get a lot of new faces in both houses of Congress. Then again, maybe not.
    Tune in next week for the latest Trump bashing from the media. Russia is passé.

  9. @AbigailAdams: What’s even sadder is to see you folding your hand when it comes to Trump. Hang in there – he may not be your Knight in Shining Armor, but never forget: he saved us from Hillary. And he may do good yet.

  10. @Viet Vet — I’m being too wry, I think. My comment has more to do with the predictable response to the Left’s never-ending pursuit of tearing Trump’s support away from him. I’ve never been more bullish on the President. I don’t suffer delusions of knights in armor, but if there is one person who comes close to Galahad insofar as the Left is concerned, it would be that lion-hearted guy with the mane to prove it — Trump. I don’t think the majority of people truly understand the “crazy wisdom” of the archetype of the fool, the clown, the trickster, or the jester. It is an unconventional wisdom, to be sure.

  11. I don’t suggest turning away from Trump on any issue until the Supreme Court is full of Conservatives.
    I will be very upset if he does any form of Amnesty but, who aside from Trump could take this kind of abuse and continue to fight?
    Anybody want a liberal President with the Uniparty, Activist Courts and Department of No Justice in charge? I didn’t think so.

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