Joe’s ‘autopen signature’ could be the biggest Biden scandal yet – IOTW Report

Joe’s ‘autopen signature’ could be the biggest Biden scandal yet

BPR: President Joe Biden may now be gone, but the question of who was really running the country during the four-year horror show of his term in office lingers, with a bombshell new report adding to suspicions that it wasn’t the geriatric Democrat.

According to research from the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the same exact autopen signature appeared on numerous important documents, potentially confirming concerns about the disgraced former president’s mental condition and raising the question of whether Biden “actually ordered the signature of relevant legal documents.”

“WHOEVER CONTROLLED THE AUTOPEN CONTROLLED THE PRESIDENCY,” the transparency-seeking arm of the conservative group said in a post to X last week. more

21 Comments on Joe’s ‘autopen signature’ could be the biggest Biden scandal yet

  1. Even if he had signed all those documents himself, nothing would have changed; he signed what he was told to sign, said what he was told to say, and did what he was told to do, even by the Easter Bunny.

  2. Also, OT, nobodies reporting this, but it’s true. Currently Syria’s new Biden supported Government (and the CIA) are murdering Christians like it’s going out of style. I’ll link if you need proof. Mean while our news agencies are silent. Guess which country has stepped up and is saving as many Christians as they can. Russia. I started reading accounts of the atrocities early this morning and it’s continued all day long. Our old friends are no longer friends. And fuck Canada.

  3. BadBrad, you’re catching up, good for you.

    Those are the reasons for quite some time I’ve been Rooting For

    We have met the Enemy and it is us. Us for allowing criminal mysanthropes to commandeer this wonderful country. oBozo, for one, should be hunted down and shackled like an ape. And every fricking treasonous Senator needs to pay DEARLY for their thefts against Humankind.

    Not kidding.

  4. Won’t make a bit of difference. Everyone KNOWS Pedo Joe wasn’t running the show. Whether HE signed something because he was told too or someone else used his autopen the results were the same. And NO COURT in this country will TOUCH any legal action presented in an effort to address this fraud. Just like NO COURT in the country would hear any of the lawsuits regarding the blatant massive vote fraud in 2020. NONE of those lawsuits were ever heard in court. They were ALL summarily dismissed without even a hearing.

  5. I did a little quick and dirty research into the use of the autopen by presidents and other officials (and celebrities and others who have to sign a lot of things, e.g. autographs on photos).

    Apparently the autopen has been used before by presidents and there is no case law saying that it is valid or invalid. I could argue that it might be considered acceptable on non-legally-significant things such as holiday cards or courtesy letters.

    But no distinction has been made. Autopen signatures on bills, executive orders, and/or contracts apparently were used on occasion by Truman, Clinton, and Obama, others.

    So while I could see Congress or a court invalidating the use of autopen “going forward” on matters that have legally-binding import, this “find” is not going to be the clear-cut evidentiary gotcha that some think it is.

    One would have to prove, through Biden’s testimony (the guy who was so demented that he couldn’t be prosecuted) or in some other way that Biden did not authorize his signature on this or that (the near impossibility of proving a negative).


  6. And to respond to the “but but buts” in my head:

    Biden was confirmed by Congress as elected. There’s a reason for this — to foreclose questions about qualifications, election results, and whatever after the fact challenges. Because of the potential for a legal mess, even constitutional crisis, given what the president is responsible for authorizing.

    Moreover, at no point did anyone raise the 25th Amendment re incapacity. In fact, Niden was never even temporarily out of it, e.g. for surgery. So he could have been a walking zombie or shizophrenic or literally brain damaged, (or the recipient of a stolen election!) and this would not affect his authority.

  7. The socialist/Communists discovered that they can do and steal whatever they want so long as they hide behind a nice sounding label. In this case the Nice Sounding label is: “DEMOCRAT”

    The entire democRAT party is a front!

  8. He didn’t remember, he wouldn’t have cared.
    Even if Biden complained and swore he didn’t agree to the signatures, his staff would just say he was out of his mind anyway and section 25 him. Wait, 25th A?


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