John Bolton Casually Admits to Jake Tapper That He Has Planned Coups – and What Trump Did Ain’t One – IOTW Report

John Bolton Casually Admits to Jake Tapper That He Has Planned Coups – and What Trump Did Ain’t One

RedState: Former Ambassador to the United Nations and Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton is one of the poster children for the unelected bureaucrat grifter class. The man never misses an opportunity to embed himself into a presidential administration or influence the conversation on foreign affairs.

As the “Joke”-6 Commission continues to offer sleep aid to the nation with more riveting testimony from former Trump loyalists and staffers, Jake Tapper invited Bolton on his CNN show to delve into Trump’s motivations and reasons for perpetuating THE BIG LIE. While intended to make Trump look horrible and support the craven motivations of the J-6 Committee, Bolton ended up revealing some inconvenient truths of his own. more

3 Comments on John Bolton Casually Admits to Jake Tapper That He Has Planned Coups – and What Trump Did Ain’t One

  1. Another head scratching appointment by DJT.

    Put a war monger in at NSA Director? And not a run of the mill war monger like Lindsey Graham but a full on John McCain level war monger.

    When you pledged to avoid starting new wars? And just fired McMaster, another weapons grade war monger because you wanted peace in n Korea??

    Bolton’s book was a chance to stab DJT in the back and so is this 1/6 shit.


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