John Daker Was Alive and Well as of 2014 – IOTW Report

John Daker Was Alive and Well as of 2014

Daker was at a car dealership having his rear window heater repaired and the person behind the counter was hip to the Daker phenomenon.

They played the video on the counter computer and Daker stops in his tracks, recognizing what he is hearing.

He comes over to the counter and delivers a nice Hallelujah.

Then he sings along some more-

Here he is acknowledging his star status – (and I mean that. He’s a star. I love this guy!)

Daker was also spotted in a Karate Class in 2012.

Why the long pants, John?


If you absolutely need more Daker singing, there is rare footage of him singing Moon River and The Woody Woodpecker song. It is very bad 2nd generation quality, and it doesn’t quite capture the Daker style.

8 Comments on John Daker Was Alive and Well as of 2014

  1. I saved the original video you posted a couple of days ago and I have watched it several times to clear my head from all this Weinstein horror and the Trump bashing. You did a public service for me BFH! I certainly enjoyed this little nuggets this morning.

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