John Doe 36 is Bill Clinton’s Epstein Island Identification – IOTW Report

John Doe 36 is Bill Clinton’s Epstein Island Identification


  • Clinton, 77, will allegedly be named among dozens of Epstein ‘s high profile associates in documents set to be released in the first days of 2024 
  • The pedophile’s powerful friends and acquaintances are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered just before the New Year 

The pedophile’s powerful friends and acquaintances are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered just before the New Year. 

That will take the release day to January 1 – but as that is a holiday it is likely the files will be made public the following day.

Some 177 people will be identified across hundreds of files which will shed new light on the late financier’s sex trafficking operation and his network of influence.


36 Comments on John Doe 36 is Bill Clinton’s Epstein Island Identification

  1. The people on that side won’t even care, they’ll just call it all a conspiracy theory. Sadly, Dems could be proven serial killers, & the left would still side with them.

  2. Vast right-wing conspiracy” is a phrase popularized by a 1995 memo by political opposition researcher Chris Lehane and then referenced in 1998 by the then First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton, in defense of her husband, President Bill Clinton, characterizing the continued allegations of scandal against her and her husband, including the Lewinsky scandal, as part of a conspiracy by Clinton’s political enemies.

    Nothing ever changes with crooks, liars, blasphemers, or degenerates. They want to rule you and they do, because we elect them. Know who and what they are before you vote – that’s my plan. BTW, if God wants a degenerate in office to do his bidding, far be it for me to help Him, he doesn’t need me or you.

  3. I don’t watch network news, but I guarantee if and when they cover this story, they will show that same 30-year old photo of Trump standing next to Epstein at some event they both attended.

  4. “There is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton – and equally, Virginia Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing against him.”

    Well duh! She doesn’t want to get Arkancided. She’s not stupid.

  5. See, we stink at this. It’s up to us to just keep hammering away that he is a pedofile. By “we” I mean the right-wing media. The left will just drop stuff in stories as if they are fact until they become facts with the public.
    We seem to need proof. It’s our failing on the propaganda front. When we do peddle in it, the proganda has a comedic tinge to it. (See Gutfeld, Crowder…) The left pedals their propaganda much differently.
    Ask any casual observer of the news and they will say Trump said Mexicans are rapists, Nazis are very fine people, Let’s storm the Capitol and hang Mike Pence and take over the government.

  6. Billy Jeff sez: “It’s the Pedophilia Stupid”

    Bill Clinton is a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, girl-friend beating rapist, masturbating cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving pedophile, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence peddaling Pants-Dropper-and-Thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse and introduced the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling our nation’s secrets and indeed the Presidency of the United States of America! Along with Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, or Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy (the thief) Berger, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and, oh yeah, getting a blow job from a barely legal intern in the Oval Office, his dishonesty is only exceeded by his unbridled greed and lust for power and that goes double for his criminal business partner that he calls a wife!

  7. Again, documentation, video evidence, participant’s confessions, and victim’s testimony are not enough to get a democrat indicted. However, a political opponent’s agenda is enough to get a Conservative convicted.

  8. Who is number 1? Maybe onetime bestest bud Trump, draft dodger extraordinaire. Jeffrey & him liked to share the young ones.
    Being 13 seemed to be the preferred age. Pedo, absolutely.

  9. Anonymous MONDAY, 1 JANUARY 2024, AT 10:37 AM
    Hey! stop sign, thank you, turn around, horse shoe, turtle turd, cumquat, honk honk, boodle-beep, derp-derp, dinga, dinga, dinga, dinga …

  10. Hey, while I have you here, asshole. Maybe you can answer as to why you prefer the left when they most certainly represent the party of
    -feces in the street
    -needles in the street
    -homeless camps in the street
    -soft on crime DAs which leads to mass shoplifting, carjackings, assaults
    -open borders with no control over who enters
    -sexualization of children
    -open war on women with trans agenda
    -taking guns away from law abiding citizens
    -abortion at any time during pregnancy
    -characterizing concerned parents as domestic terrorists
    Shall I go on?

    What is it about that party that garners your vote? Try to answer without a question or mentioning Trump.

  11. Notice “associates” – not “clients.”

    Epstein didn’t kill himself – and he never had “clients.”

    “powerful friends and acquaintances”

    “network of influence”

    Keep softening it up, DailyMail. They make it sound so ordinary and harmless, don’t they? Just the elite doing what they like to do. Just like us.

    They’d like us to mind our own business.

  12. They were able to find a 69yo Grandmother, with Cancer and put her in prison for Jan. 6 Charges.
    But they can’t find any of the pedophiles from Epstein Island.
    But, you can’t find them if you don’t look.

  13. I predict two things:

    1. The people on the list will claim that Epstein’s Island had top-notch conference facilities and even flew people down there to lessen their carbon footprint by having a ton of Jets fly down their.

    2. Before the list is released, the judge will commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head three times. A new judge will come in and rescind the order.

    Funny, it is well known that Trump saw Epstein trying to hook up with a 14 year old. Trump through Epstein out and never associated with him again. But But people such as Anonymous still say that Trump was one of Epstein’s biggest “clients.”

    If Trump was on the list of frequent flyers, that list would have been released a long time ago.

  14. Aaaaaaaaaaannd furthermore Anonymous …
    We hate Obama and Biden like you hate Trump.
    But here’s the fundamental difference fukstick:
    We hate the Øbamboozler and Jackass Joe because they hate America and Americans.
    You hate Trump because YOU hate America and Americans!

  15. Willy ‘boy’ Clinton always has a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card’ based on an insanity plea! He just shows a picture of ugly, putrid and vile Hillary and he is off to the races free as a Pidgeon!

  16. Anonymous is a troll. He is here only to offer his Trump Derangement Syndrome. That is his strategy to change minds here.

    You’ll never get an explanation from him regarding his insane charges against Trump, such as “Trump is a Nazi”. He won’t or can’t justify it.

  17. Fur, your first comment above is SO true! We absolutely stink at this! If it wasn’t so important that we get it right, our inability to engage similarly to the Left would be a side splitter — and often is anyway. Cold comfort when we’re losing the culture war, right? We’re like white-coated scientists standing over the corpse of original Western culture and its Judeo-Christian foundation, arguing with each other over whether the death was caused suicide or homicide; oblivious to the fact that whatever the cause, the body is dead!

  18. Human trafficking is edging out (or has edged out) drug trafficking as one of the biggest sources of illicit wealth in the world, yet our highest placed and paid brainiacs cannot seem to track down its cartel leaders and identify their distribution apparatus. Epstein was certainly behind a very successful pedophile/sex trafficking operation and he was murdered because he held too many secrets to risk letting him live to tell. That means everyone who were in on his murder are working to protect their trafficking.

  19. That sideways look that Bill gives to Hellary.

    He’s thinking: Yeah, so I screwed Monica…but you’re nothing but a filthy slut, and a muff muncher too. Anyone who knows what a skunk whore you are will understand why I went to Epstein’s Island so many times.

  20. Stockton sucks and San Bernardino is gay”
    They’re both surrounded by extremely conservative ag communities. And your a fucking idiot pulling shit out of your ass that probably lives in Minnesota. Where the sand meets the sea.

  21. Well, I thought I’d defend Tim Buktu (a long time commenter here) with a clueless comment of my own just to see if you were here anonymously to vent some anger. Indeed. Tim expressed an opinion, as did I, and you launched two ad hominem attacks – anonymously. Perhaps you should consider the name ‘Ad Hominem’ going forward.


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