John Durham, Michael Sussmann, and the Broader Clinton Conspiracy – IOTW Report

John Durham, Michael Sussmann, and the Broader Clinton Conspiracy

Texts from Sussmann prove his lies

TechnoFog: There was a flurry of filings in the Michael Sussmann case late yesterday. Here’s the latest.

On September 19, 2016, DNC/Clinton Campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann met with FBI General Counsel James Baker, where Baker was provided with data and “white paper” purporting to show covert communications (since proven to be bogus) between Russian Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization.

Special Counsel John Durham has just provided evidence that the night before – on September 18, 2016 – Sussmann sent Baker this text:

As it turns out, Sussmann was billing the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Alfa Bank hoax. This text from Sussmann to Baker is damning for Sussmann’s case, proving Sussmann’s efforts at deceiving a top official at the FBI about his clients, and demonstrating how Sussmann tried to convince Baker he was there to supposedly do the right thing. read more

9 Comments on John Durham, Michael Sussmann, and the Broader Clinton Conspiracy

  1. “Lying”? Because the FBI “believed” that a lawyer? For a candidate? Came in? On xis own? On xis own time? On xis own dime? To write smack? About the “other” guy?

    Not a “We’re already doing this. But why say no? To a note from Epstein’s Mom?” moment. From “reasonable” prosecutors. At all.

    (Just remember. The people that “believe” this. This “Rule of Law”. Claim it as the reason they’ll be “forced” to mop you up. After the Bolsheviks run their first pass over you.)

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