John Fetterman Slams Biden – On Fox News – IOTW Report

John Fetterman Slams Biden – On Fox News

National Pulse-

Joe Biden is facing dissent in Democrat ranks for conditioning military aid to Israel in an effort to influence their military campaign against the Hamas terrorist group. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA), in an appearance on Fox News last night, hammered the Biden government for withholding aid.

“Like, for example, I was public, and I said that I don’t think we should be withholding any kind of munitions, and I think, I said, I think we need to send them immediately,” the Pennsylvania Democrat told host Bret Baier. Fetterman added: “Israel is in this kind of a war, and we, I have no conditions, I never have, and I can’t imagine I ever will.” more

8 Comments on John Fetterman Slams Biden – On Fox News

  1. Apparently the stroke he had jarred some of the marbles in his brain back into proper place, now that he’s pretty much recovered. He’s starting to distance himself from the lunatic progs. He’s not perfect, but I like what he’s got to say now.

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