John Fund: ‘If Hillary Wins, We’ll Have a Potential Blackmail Target in the White House’ – IOTW Report

John Fund: ‘If Hillary Wins, We’ll Have a Potential Blackmail Target in the White House’

Note that so far none of the WikiLeaks revelations have come from Hillary’s personal account. That could mean it wasn’t hacked, or it could mean that “hostile” actors are waiting to make use of them.


John Fund writes at about the national security risks involved in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, including “the danger that Hillary Clinton could be the target of international blackmail” if elected.

From Fund’s op-ed:

“This is just a distraction,” Democratic pollster Mark Mellman says of the news the FBI is reexamining the Clinton email case.

During a press conference — which lasted all of three minutes — Hillary Clinton herself said, “I think people a long time ago made up their minds about the emails. I think that’s factored into that people think and now they’re choosing a president.”

But for people in the intelligence community — including disgruntled FBI agents and even former officials in the Pentagon, it’s not that easy.

The revival of the Clinton email scandal reminds them of just how exposed Clinton left highly classified information.  MORE

12 Comments on John Fund: ‘If Hillary Wins, We’ll Have a Potential Blackmail Target in the White House’

  1. All a citizen really has to ask themselves is this: Under the present circumstances, if the person I’m voting for were to apply for any Government job, is it likely that they would be considered?

    Except for President of the Unites States, that is.

  2. Would Hillary be any more vernerable to blackmail than Barry with all the weird stuff he has in his closet?
    I thought now days the word “blackmail” was on the racist word list.

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