John Hinckley To Be Released – IOTW Report

John Hinckley To Be Released

A federal judge has decided that sixty-one year old John Hinckley will be released from federal control to begin “convalescent leave” on August 5th. Hinckley has been in psychiatric care at St. Elizabeths hospital in Washington since attempting to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981.



35 Comments on John Hinckley To Be Released

  1. If you can’t indict Hillary for her negligent handling of intelligence information, why should we keep the attempted murderer of a president in prison for life?

    Hell, there’s still time to get him a speaking role at the Democratic Convention.

  2. I prefer the system where someone like Hinckley is found “Guilty and insane.” Then you are shipped off to a mental institution. Once you are sufficiently rehabilitated so you are no longer insane, you get to come out and serve out your guilty sentence.

  3. The President requests your presence at the White House. Since you are completely rehabilitated you can come right in, and will not be searched for weapons. Oh, by the way, President 0bama’s been banging Jodie Foster like a screen door in a hurricane.

  4. Just in time to vote for Hillary.

    Or maybe he’s the one they picked to replace Hillary in the race if she goes to the pen. It would hurt the party if they had to lower their level of corruption any.

  5. The Hinkley family and the Bush family are tighter than the tits on a gypsy dancer.

    I wonder if Johnny is on a work-release program.
    Watch your back DJT and stay away from Williamsburg, VA.

  6. Kiddng aside, it’s probably a good decision. I read the story and he started with outside day visits to the family and gradually that extended to three day unsupervised passes over the years and the terms of his release are fairly stiff. He’s probably a better risk then most of the urban dwelling gang banging thugs that get paroled every day.

  7. WHY! This jerk who almost killed Ronald Reagan should’ve been put away forever and never under any circumstances let out of prison. they better be watching him very closely just because. Nothing good will come out of releasing Hinckley. And the last thing we need right now as a nation is an assassination of any public official of either political party.

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