John James (MI) Running for US Senate in 2020 – IOTW Report

John James (MI) Running for US Senate in 2020 – Michigan businessman and veteran John James:

“I am officially running for U.S. Senate in the state of Michigan in 2020,” said an email sent out by James’ campaign website Wednesday night. “Why? Because America is at a crossroads, and this fight is too important to sit out.”

Read the article here.

I am so thrilled to hear this announcement. John James is a big supporter of President Trump’s agenda (which is OUR agenda)!

After losing to Debbie Stabenow in 2018, Mr. James is gunning for Gary Peters in 2020. The senate needs some kick-a$$ members to keep the RINOs in check; and I believe Mr. James could do just that.

Please check out his website here.

13 Comments on John James (MI) Running for US Senate in 2020

  1. I’d rather have him running against Upton or Amash as that area would probably be more doable for him. Peters is a little tougher as his area is pretty solidly Democrat.

  2. Different Tim, he’s running for the senate, not the house. Amash has a pretty good primary challenger in State Rep. Jim Lower,

    We need to find a good challenger for Upton, though. I detest him.

    Ivan, they couldn’t find anything to smear him with in 2018 when he ran against Debbie Stabenow. I think she won only due to voter fraud in Detroit. That might happen again, but then we will have the same problem across the country in 2020.

  3. I don’t think they will find dirt on Mr. James. He’s a good man and very pro Trump. Last time he ran they had marijuana on the ballot and that brought out a lot of basement dwellers.

  4. Broke my heart when he lost to Debbie in 18. Seems solid, heads in the right place, and aligned with my values. Plus his “about me” stance on 2A simply read, “the right of the people shall not be infringed”. I knew he was my guy. This we’ll defend.


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