John Kasich says he’s not running for office again – IOTW Report

John Kasich says he’s not running for office again


WASHINGTON (CNN) — Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday that despite keeping up a high profile since his failed 2016 presidential bid, he has no intention of running for office again.

Asked by CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union” if was going to challenge President Donald Trump in 2020, Kasich repeatedly said, “No.”

“I’m not really interested in running for political office again,” Kasich said. “I don’t see it. I just don’t see it.”

Kasich was the last candidate to bow out of the Republican presidential race last year, leaving Trump the presumptive nominee, and refused to support him in the general election. He met with Trump at the White House recently to discuss health care and came out against the now-rescinded GOP plan to repeal and replace part of Obamacare.  more

19 Comments on John Kasich says he’s not running for office again

  1. Kasich career politician.
    Congressman from 1983 to 2001
    Kasich worked for Fox News from 2001 to 2007. He also worked as managing director of the Lehman Brothers office in Columbus, Ohio.
    Praise God, there is light at the end of the tunnel for Ohio.

    Oh, did you know, he’s the son of a …………mailman?

  2. He doomed himself by not even showing up to the GOP convention in HIS state. What a cheap little hissy fit stunt that was!

    He also did not allow Trump to use Ohio GOP contacts and offices for the national campaign, yet Trump won Ohio by 600,000 votes!

    Lastly, I have it on first-person testimony that Kasich is a drunk, not an alcohol on-the-breath drunk, but an alcohol through-the-skin drunk. I hope he and his wet brain are never seen in public again.

  3. Kasich is an idiot in search of a savant.
    Good riddance Howdy Doody.
    He’s one of the opponents to the failed healthcare bill, and not for the conservative stance of full repeal. He massively expanded Medicaid and now wants the rest of the nation to fund his mistake.

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