John Kennedy Asks SCOTUS Nominee When Life Begins — She Doesn’t Know That Either – IOTW Report

John Kennedy Asks SCOTUS Nominee When Life Begins — She Doesn’t Know That Either

We should start calling her Sergeant Schultz because she knows nothing. (She knows, she just won’t say… just like Schultz.)

Jackson Brown was running on empty, apparently so is Brown Jackson.

I got in a little hot water years ago when I did Elena Kagan as Sergeant Schultz. Let’s try again!

22 Comments on John Kennedy Asks SCOTUS Nominee When Life Begins — She Doesn’t Know That Either

  1. John Banner was a funny son of a gun. Unfortunately this affirmative action hire is nothing but a usurper. As bad as she is she’ll be “installed”. Not funny at all.

  2. Malcolm (Don’t know) XX

    So, she will be tasked with determining a wide variety of cases that involve engineering, medicine, science, technology, etc.

    She is not an engineer, doctor, scientist, IT tech, so according to her logic she can’t judge a fucking thing.

    Go away bitch…

  3. The dyke sisters were bad fucking enough, allowing this racist, pedo cunt onto the SC officially jumps the shark for this bunch. There is nothing that they will ever decree that I will pay the slightest attention to. Poor Justice Thomas, definitely the odd man out, Alito isn’t far behind either, they must be shaking their heads in disbelief. All of Trump’s 3 picks turned out to be horseshit and Roberts? Fuck him.

    Our country is a goddamn laughing stock. Madison & Jefferson are standing slack jawed at how far we are off the rails.

  4. Plant a tomato seed in the dirt. The moment it germinates it’s a living tomato plant.
    Plant sperm into an egg and a human lives and grows.
    What is so hard to figure out?

  5. I think it’s quite simple. If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. That tells me when life begins.
    Life begins at conception. It’s obvious, because nothing grows if it is not living.
    “(Embryos) don’t behave like clumps of cells. Instead, they appear to act independently, or autonomously, of any signals from the mother’s body, whether in or out of the womb. And “clumps” don’t do that. That means, as we suspected, embryos know what they’re supposed to do to live, and they try to live, whether they’re in their mother or not.”
    – Ana Maria Dumitru
    I guess not getting pregnant when having consensual intercourse is really difficult for some people and their lifestyle means more than life itself. A more selfish act does not exist.

  6. I want women to have a choice. Don’t spread your legs if you don’t want to get pregnant.
    If you choose to have sex and make a baby, don’t take the choice of life away from the child.
    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother. To debate whether it’s right or wrong to rip you out of your mother’s womb? What in the world has happened to us?”
    – Phil Robertson

  7. Her answer is sadly funny. Who the “F” says this who is being nominated to the SCOTUS seat?!? An Idiot or smart crafty person?!?!??

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  8. Trying 2 B Funny:

    Life begins when your last kid gets into University (takes economics not gender studies) and you no longer have to pay for private school, save for university, and get a TINY bit of breathing room.

    Just my 5 Cents (Canuckistan no longer has the penny)

  9. What a complete and utter waste of time & resources.
    You could find a random person at the grocery store whose judgement is better than this TOKEN.
    Well, maybe not at WalMart.


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