John Kennedy Grilling Slippery Activist Myrna Pérez, Circuit Judge Nominee, on the Constitution – IOTW Report

John Kennedy Grilling Slippery Activist Myrna Pérez, Circuit Judge Nominee, on the Constitution

12 Comments on John Kennedy Grilling Slippery Activist Myrna Pérez, Circuit Judge Nominee, on the Constitution

  1. Senator Cruz fed her a nasty meal during his questioning, as well.
    I almost felt sorry for her, then snapped back to reality and watched it again, twice.

  2. Wow, he zapped her with some tasty zingers for that soundbite. He really taught her a lesson!
    There needs to be some sort of way that we can yes dock the pay these so-called public servants when they refuse to answer questions. Because, let’s be clear, answering questions fundamental to having a transparent government that is not an openly corrupt dictatorship. Imagine if we could doc politicians pay like sports figures when they behave in a way that warrants punitive action. That would be epic!

  3. I am so thankful for Senator Kennedy’s deft ability to force these prospective judges to pickup their “turds” by the clean end. At least We know what We are getting and from the road We are on, most if not all these nominee’s think there is a clean end on which to pick them up.

  4. She’s dangerous, yes. And not smart enough to answer appropriately.

    His question — “what standard are you going to use to create new rights” — is nonsensical. Political theater.

    Courts do not “create” rights. Courts may at times recognize rights that already exist — and do so whether or not a right previously may not have been recognized and may have been infringed upon for centuries.

    “Rights” are fundamental freedoms that exist in the absence of law/government. The Ninth Amendment acknowledges this: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

    Now. I understand that there are so-called “rights” that have been recognized that are highly problematic, e.g. same-sex marriage. But the argument about this really boils down to a more nuanced discussion of a very different and real “right” — “equal protection” — and the question is whether that applies to government-provided benefits of various kinds that no matter what are denied to all kinds of other groups and individuals.

    Get the concepts down correctly or there will be more losses in court from stupidly-drafted and defended legislation.

    Sorry to be harsh but it is what it is.

  5. …it inhibits our ability to have a rational discussion.

    That is the crux of why it is impossible to involve any follower of the progressive movement in a rational discussion. In my estimation that should dismiss, with prejudice, any and all respect for and consideration of their points of view. Period. Full stop.

    They are not interested in a rational discussion on any topic and they are not interested in representative governance. They are interested in seizing power by any means necessary and are unfitted for participation in a representative republic.

  6. @ janitor JULY 15, 2021 AT 12:04 PM

    That has been my position for five plus decades. Of course followers of the progressive movement want to usurp the power to “create” rights. I recognize rights (created by God) irrespective of whether or not they are recognized by any other person or body irrespective of their credentials. I do not recognize “rights” which are man made constructs as being rights. They may be the law of the land and under a legitimate government one is legally bound by them, however much those who recognize “rights” as equivalent to rights no one has any moral obligation whatsoever to respect them. One may make a pragmatic decision to follow and obey them lest they be arrested, fined or whatever, but they have no moral obligation to abide by or respect them.

  7. So the left is stacking courts with leftist judges that intend to rewrite the constitution by bypassing the people of the USA. So the American people will have no say so in them removing our rights and freedoms. Using the Judiciary branch to make congress obsolete… So only leftist ideology will be allowed in making court decisions. So only Leftist will win court cases.

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