John Kerry Sits With Terrorist Druglord Wanted By Our Government – IOTW Report

John Kerry Sits With Terrorist Druglord Wanted By Our Government

Aren’t there laws against such things?

And it’s been quite a week for Our Dear Leaders, meeting with Castros and FARC. What’s next? Pizza with Joanne Chesimard?

Front Page:

Secretary of State John Kerry got upset that Obama was stealing the treason spotlight from him on the Cuban getaway. So he decided to pull a Sean Penn and meet with a Marxist terror group that is on his own State Department’s list of Terror organizations.

Here’s the terror group’s Twitter account promoting the meeting. FARC is a Marxist terror group that has kidnapped and murdered Americans.


14 Comments on John Kerry Sits With Terrorist Druglord Wanted By Our Government

  1. Didn’t Kerry negotiate with and publicly support our enemy in North Vietnam while a serving Naval Reserve Officer? While it explains how long it took to get an actual ahem “honorable” discharge, I’m pretty sure that’s also against the law.

    Never mind about Billy Bob campaigning inside polling places. . .breaking the law depends on what your definition of “law” is I suppose. . . is’t sortof like “is” that way.

  2. Why oh why did not FARC take their chance at some real headlines?

    Could it be as a Marxist terrorist group they realized it would be counter productive to their aims to kidnap and murder Kerry? I suppose their calculations concluded acts against Kerry would result in net damage to their Marxist cause and instead of causing terror in America there would be a distinct chance of celebration at the news of Sec Lurch’s death.

    Farc may be evil but they are not stupid.

  3. I wonder how old he was when he became a low-life, piece of shit, traitorous bastard? Was he always a low-life, piece of shit, traitorous bastard or did something happen to cause this?

  4. They should kidnap his ass.
    Then we can start a web based radio station to call for his release.
    Using the power of music to heal, Americans can log in to the website and request songs to show solidarity with Sec. Kerry
    Default songs (if no one requests a song these ones plays over and over):
    Candida by Tony Orlando and Dawn
    Muskrat Love by The Captain and Tenille
    Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Cher

  5. It would be interesting to see Lurch after a 2 month starvation diet in Cooba or N. Korea. Maybe like the prodigal son, he would come to his senses. I won’t grieve when he or Obama are gone.

  6. Joanne Chesimard is a POS shvartzer who killed a New Jersey state trooper in 1973. She escaped from Clinton Correctional Facility in New Jersey in 1979 and fled to Cuba, where the Castro regime was only too happy to grant her political asylum.

    I wonder if Obama schmooze her when he was down there this past week.

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