John Kerry to leave Biden administration, help campaign – IOTW Report

John Kerry to leave Biden administration, help campaign

Any excuse to fly in a jet.

24 Comments on John Kerry to leave Biden administration, help campaign

  1. I’m trying to figure out how Kerry could possibly help the Biden campaign. Although I suppose he’s helping just by leaving the Biden regime.

    But as BotHHI^^^says Potato Chin will be back again to serve the Globalists.

  2. Made lives of Vietnam Vets more difficult with his anti war charades. He fed the left’s hatred for us by his highly publicized antics. (The tossing of his unwarranted medals into the D.C. Reflection Pool) Never understood, John, why the long face all the time?

  3. Kerry … speaking of traitors … Kerry’s got to be about the biggest of em all.
    Or the most prominent … or the ugliest.
    This guy’s been involved in Treason against the United States since he spoke up for the murderous North Vietnamese communists/butchers/mass murderers in Paris.
    Most likely even while wearing the uniform.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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