John Legend Getting Pig-Piled After Insulting Trump Voters – IOTW Report

John Legend Getting Pig-Piled After Insulting Trump Voters

Legend made a call for actors to play Trump supporters in his next video.

He wanted fat, old, out-of-shape people for the “authentic” Trump supporter look.

This is on his Facebook Page-

David Sabr The liberal Democrats Party has become the party that mocks, criticize, degrades, attacks, obstruct, incite violence, encourages assaults, prohibits free exchange of ideas, is vacant of ideas, ruled by the elites, supports a double standard, is a partySee More
Shannon Barnes Keeping racism alive and well I see. Way to alienate half the country. But I guess throwing out nasty stereotypes is something you condone as long as the person doing it is non white?
Dilla Gordon-Johnson Hypocrisy at its finest!
Got a lot of nerve ! I’ll never I’ll never listen to your music again. Thank you for showing what’s really in your heart. 😠
Debbie Lyster Gorton You’re such a despicable, hate filled liberal. YOU AND your wife! I guess you are so perfect you can degrade others?. Try looking in the mirror with your BLACK HEART! You should PRAY for forgiveness!
Scott Hornbarger Hey Asshole..Im white..54 yrs hard everyday..5-10 200lbs. I voted for Trump..Im not a Racist like you..I take care of my responsibilities. Never got wefare..nothing. You have the class of of a ants ass. Despicable big mouth overated sqauking howler monkey. So kiss my old white deplorable ass
James Kleiner Hey racist John legend. Why don’t you make a video of your Savior Obama and his husband Michael Obama. You know you can hire some supporters of his. Let’s see, they have to be unemployed, section 8 housing, koolaid drinking, in and out jail, 7 seven diSee More
Connie Keith Maurer Dont you have better things to worry about… Shut up and go home and take care of your alcoholic wife and that poor poor baby!!!!
Patti Keeler Fulcher Mid America could care less what any of you Hollywood morons have to say from your ivory towers. You are so self absorbed that you don’t even realize that every stupid statement you make about OUR President just assures the fact that he’s not going anywhere. Trump 2020 MAGA.
Joe Cumbee You have done a good job of keeping your career undercover because no one has ever heard of you until you made your little smart-ass remark about half of the citizens of the USA. Maybe illegals and alt left will buy your crap, but I think you are out of luck with the rest of us.
Vickie Bedenbaugh Must be really rough knowing your wife has the hots for President Trump and can’t get him off her mind. He’s a man. It happens. Especially to women married to cucks like you.
Joey Simao Over the weekend I took your cds that I had… and pissed on them… Your just another punk performer that thinks what you say matters….
Candy Lawrence I am not fat or old and I love trump. I am also an immigrant you fool. Are you making sure black lives matters actors look like thugs??? Are you including masked antifa demonstrators. How dare you. You are a fool. No wonder the Hollywood box office is the worst ever in decades. You liberals are turning half the country off

Leslie Ann Your wife is far from perfect so before you put out a casting call generalizing Trump supporters as “out of shape” get her a** in gear / a new face! Btw, you’re no looker. 🚂💨👊🏼
Bonnie Campbell Morrison You are vile and nasty, hateful…No more buying your music…Good luck with losing your base!!
Lisa Nicole You Are a joke and no cares about you and your wife. Now watch your career continue to go down the rabbit hole!
Victoria Villa EVIL is your heart has been proven! You are a RACIST HYPOCRITE!!! You should spending your time worrying about your brainless alcoholic wife and her social media tirades obviously you both have major mental issues!#RACIST
Armando Espinoza Reyes Body shaming is wrong except when liberals do it. Disgusting.
Angela Taylor Watkins You’re a joke and your freaking wife looks like an alien
David Brockinton John Legend and liberal supporters…

Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Anne Lynch You get off on body-shaming and being racist, huh? John Legend is a BIGOT.
Brian Brooks Lmao! Even a good number of your fans just found out what an asshat you are.
Allen Kreke Will never spend another penny on this dumbass! Go Trump!
Alex Rodriguez John Legend just became John the Punk
Phil Mooney John Legend you are a pathetic chump.
LikeShow more reactions
Lisa Zimmerman Where’s your donation to the liberals living in Houston, its not just ” Trump supporters” in Texas, or are you going to expose the situation in a new music video..
Dave Jordan It’s stuff like this that will help Trump in 2020!!
Candy Lawrence Put your fat ass wife in your video has a trump supporter. She will fit right in there.
Jason Dacy John Legend is a bitch.
ht/ bad brad

17 Comments on John Legend Getting Pig-Piled After Insulting Trump Voters

  1. Bad enough that the only way his wife can stay in the public eye is by flashing her snatch on the red carpet, now he has to go and step on his dick in public. Looks like another of the rich and shameless crowd is about to take a fall.

  2. ‘Legend in his own mind’ thought for certain that Trump voters only listened to country music and their access to the internets involved two soup cans and a yard of string. Oopsie! Haha!!!

  3. My relative found a 3 legged dog outside his apartment in manhatten, turned out to be John legends dog, he returned it and these schmucks gave him as a reward for finding the dog an autographed copy of his wife’s book hahahaha! They think awfully high of themselves.

  4. Is he the Afro baby Hussein and Mooch found in a diaper bag left on the front fender of a broken down, dilapidated Yugo parked in the alley behind a Queer bar in the San Fransico Pork Chop region on bad luck Friday as they were getting ready to chomp down some dog burgers and vino from a flask they scammed from a down and out homeless bum with aids, cholera, and smallpox while community organizing 300lb ex-linebacker trannie prostitutes infected with bedbugs, lice, and syphilis and signing up illegal aliens to vote for the Democrat ticket with bribe money received from the Mexican Cartel via the Soros/Clinton syndicate and Confederate money laundering machine?

  5. David Brockington FOR THE WIN!!!
    That photo says EVERYTHING about the Left today…
    …INCLUDING the fact that the Left wants to
    portray US as if WE were like that!

  6. I really do not even know who this guy is ‘music’ wise, and am not even in the least interested in looking him up.

    For the record, I am a quite skinny Trump supporter. I’m a very eclectic music lover, very intelligent, love to read, though not a collegiate.

    I don’t support black hoods, or gas masks as fashion choices, but LOVE jeans, T-shirts and holsters.

    Music just doesn’t reflect American values anymore. It will suffer, as an industry, because of that.

    Tough shit.

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