John McCain: ‘Go to Hell’ If You Don’t Like that I Passed Pee Dossier to FBI – IOTW Report

John McCain: ‘Go to Hell’ If You Don’t Like that I Passed Pee Dossier to FBI

Breitbart: NEW YORK — In his newly released book, Sen. John McCain admits he knew the anti-Trump dossier that he infamously passed to the FBI contained “unproven accusations,” “mostly raw, unverified intelligence” and allegations about which the senator “had no idea” if “any were true.”

Yet McCain maintains he had an “obligation” to pass the wild charges against Donald Trump to FBI Director James Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed.  more


42 Comments on John McCain: ‘Go to Hell’ If You Don’t Like that I Passed Pee Dossier to FBI

  1. I can’t believe now that I ever actually supported that shit weasel. Of course he was running against Obola. And did everything within his power to lose.

  2. “And did everything within his power to lose.”

    Except for picking Sarah. He really screwed up picking an actual conservative that cared about America.

  3. If this decrepit old man had one ounce of decency in his being he would resign his Senate seat so his Arizonan constituents can have true representation, and he could pass along peaceably.
    The fact that he doesn’t resign, but instead continues with his obnoxious behavior, is proof he has no decency.
    He’s a bitter old coot with nothing but vindictiveness as his remaining purpose in life.

  4. To be sure, none of the poor bastards the “Songbird” murdered when he set the USS Forrestal on fire while trying to be a hot-dog, or when he sang to the Viet-Cong will be there to greet his traitorous ass.

  5. If McCain knew the dossier contained unverified allegations that McCain had no idea of whether they were true or not, should he be prosecuted for lying to FBI by passing this off as legitimate?

  6. The title of his book should be, “The road to hell is paved with dirty deeds”.
    I’m trying to recall the date when Trump made the statement denouncing McCain’s heroism. I suspect Trump knew more about his “obligations” then even McCain knew.

  7. I cracked open a bottle of champagne the night Obama left office. I’ll keep another one on ice for the night John McCain joins Alger Hiss and Benedict Arnold.

    I am getting thirsty though so, chop-chop. Less talky, more dirt nappy.

  8. BTW anyone seen the HBO teaser for the McCain life story? Be forewarned it’s a sickening load of garbage, just what you’d expect.

    Looks like the log-in still isn’t working.

  9. There are only 2 Navy Officers I wouldn’t want to have served under as an enlisted man, McCain and John effin Kerry. They are both a disgrace to their uniform. Anonymous was me Geoff the Aardvark. Still having problems with logging in correctly this morning.

  10. Typical McCain, like the spoiled brat he’s always been. During his days in the Navy he was always in trouble and knew because of his fathers position nobody would hold him to account. Till he draws his terminal breath he’ll be the contemptible spoiled brat he always was.

  11. McCain remarked that POTUS did the right thing by cancelling the summit with the Norks. Does this mean that McCain has died? I never would have believed he’d say something positive while alive.

  12. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed.

    after you song bird !

    “I am so glad that he preemptively disinvited PDJT from the funeral.”

    why go to the funeral ? it will be standing room only at that time to piss on his grave, wait for the line to clear out first.

  13. Hell came to him first in the form of melanoma…once a cell is out of the bag no one knows where it will land. Ticking time away and nothing can get rid of it.

  14. There was another Navy Vietnam fighter jock turned politician who got caught up in the DC cesspool . He actually did the honorable thing in the end, pleaded guilty and served his prison sentence. Randy “Duke” Cunningham. A real hero.

  15. How fitting it would be for 2018 to see the passing of two bookend, bitter, Deep State, UniParty, loser Presidential candidates. I’ll settle for one, though.

  16. And his shitbag daughter is on the TeeVee daily nagging us to appreciate her daddy’s patriotism and general loveliness. pfft.

  17. I see Juan McLame is readying himself to meet his master Satan in Hell. One would think that someone in his position might be introspective and repenting, but not that bitter old fool.

    While you’re burning in hell Juan, you can take some comfort in knowing that POTUS Trump and I will be pissing on your grave. Too bad for you that it won’t put your eternal flames out traitor.

  18. Amazing the gall this guy has.

    When he was running for POTUS in 2008 he couldn’t say one bad thing about Obama, much less be bothered to send a dossier to the FBI mentioning Barry’s lack of a legit USA birth certificate, connections with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, connections with domestic terrorist Louis Farrakhan, connections with foreign terrorists Muslim Brotherhood through his brother no less, his time spent in Afghanistan in 1980 when it was off limits to US citizens, his Muslim schooling and upbringing in Indonesia…etc.

    But Trump runs as a Republican, and it’s call up the FBI and tell them Trump went to Moscow once and knows some Russians.

    Burn in Hell Juan.


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