John McCain isn’t smiling anymore – IOTW Report

John McCain isn’t smiling anymore

Patriot Retort:

I know a lot of you were concerned about the praise coming from John McCain and Lindsey Graham over Trump’s actions in Syria.

And I told you I suspected in the end, John and Lindsey were going to be disappointed.

Remember how excited and eager they both were on Friday? They were smiling broadly and praising President Trump. And, of course, they were framing the strike as only the beginning.

I shared with you the video from John McCain’s interview on Fox Friday morning. And the guy was grinning from ear-to-ear like a Cheshire cat.

But that’s hardly a surprise.  MORE

25 Comments on John McCain isn’t smiling anymore

  1. The very last thing I’ve been worried about over Trump’s bombing of Syrian base operations is that he will be “dragging us into a war with Syria.” Anyone who listened to him on the stump for a year and half(!) knows he is dead set against bombing countries into regime changes and then rebuilding their nation at U.S. taxpayer expense or the expense of U.S. soldier’s lives and limbs.

  2. Mcstain’s really going to be disappointed when he finds out that little show of force had a lot more to do with North Korea and China than it did with Syria. Sending the “Look Bitch we have 19 aircraft carriers and you have 1” message to Putin didn’t hurt either.

  3. @Dianny — That’s because a lot of so-called Trump supporters didn’t support him until he was the last man standing, so they missed almost everything he ever said on the stump. lol

    (It is annoying to have to school them.)

  4. ” Yes, and they could have taken them out easily.”

    I hope you’re be ironical, LOL. They’ve never had an occasion to test their stuff our our Cruise/Tomahawk Missiles. They are tough to defend because they can hug the ground. I would imagine it was a safety precaution on our part to have them all hit simultaneously. Russia looked powerless. That’s probably why Putin’s over hugging Mooslims in Iran today.

  5. The reason that the cruise missiles weren’t tracked by the Russian radar, is that Trump/Tillerson gave them a 1/2 hour warning to vacate the premises. Do you think the Syrians were manning the radars? Pffft.

  6. Deplorable B Woodman

    There were over 100 Russian soldiers in their quarters at the time of the attack. Apparently their quarters were not near where things were exploding. A missile defense shield covers a large geographical area. They need to triangulate the incoming missile. They can’t do that with three radar dishes equally space 5 feet apart. Not to mention those things are pretty much on auto pilot.

  7. @BB — You undoubtedly know more about military weaponry than I do (at least the non-aircraft stuff), but I understood that it took nearly a half hour for those T-Hawks to hit their targets. Plenty of time to target and neutralize them, apparently.

  8. @AA. Stop with the “I discovered Trump first” stuff. It’s most unappealing and meaningless. There were 17 republican candidates, half of whom we all dispatched with early on. Others deserved serious consideration. Eventually the choice became obvious.

    Trump was the better candidate, although some of his early antics would have disqualified anyone else.

    But I am very pleased that he’s our president. Don’t take my remarks personally. I spent many hours considering who was the better candidate and nearly as many hours convincing my mother and sisters and many Tea Party friends that Trump was the guy, although at primary time I was a Cruz guy. My Mom’s first reaction to Trump is that he’d be a terrible husband. She is in her mid 80s. She’s not used to his sort of abrasiveness.

    Trump has shown himself to be a potentially great president. He’s certainly won me over with his actions and his cabinet picks and Gorsuch

    But my point is that “I told you so” gloating won’t win any friends or converts.

    I love you girl. Just saying.

  9. I’ve always considered the word “warmonger” to be really gay but John McCain is an actual warmonger and it’s kinda scary. Guy is constantly looking to start a war

  10. @PHenry — “@AA. Stop with the “I discovered Trump first” stuff. It’s most unappealing and meaningless. There were 17 republican candidates, half of whom we all dispatched with early on. Others deserved serious consideration. Eventually the choice became obvious.”


    What is even more unappealing are the weak sisters who start grinding their teeth and quailing over every little jot and tittle that is out of place and not to their liking. And it is very annoying to 1, have to listen to their constant concern that Trump isn’t doing the right thing or not doing it the right way. If they had even gone back and listened to any five of his bazillion stump speeches on YT, so much of their hand-wringing would be unnecessary because they would have a better understanding of what the man is about. For example, I just read here a few days ago people who said they are worried about Jared and Ivanka Kushner’s influence over the President. And 2, When Trump needs his “supporters” the most, those same people are hitting the high notes, completely out-of-tune with the choir and, brother, in case you haven’t noticed, we’re in a war against the media, academia, Wall Street, the CoC, the EU-style globalists and everyone else. Right now is when we most need a full-throated, no-holds-barred, uncritical support of Trump. You read that right: uncritical. Because unless the guy is doing something that is anything like what obama and the rest of them did for the last 8 years, (and speaking of “meaningless”), there is no justification for the word vomit his “supporters” can’t seem to help themselves from sharing.

    I will never apologize for my immoderate support of President Trump. I thoroughly get what he’s doing and I’m all in. No armchair philosophy here. I’m not trying to “win converts.” That time has long passed. If any Trump “supporter” is still kicking the tires and checking under the hood in the middle of the political equivalent of the Indianapolis 500 then, boy, I don’t know what to tell them.

    This dialogue reminds me of this:

    Thomas Paine — The Crisis

    “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

  11. AA, right on with TP. I’m 77 yrs. and been a Thomas Paine fan for very many of them. A true patriot in his time and a wordsmith with great ability to cut through the BS and make a point so clear and telling. Without a gun he was instrumental in helping to win the Rev. War yet died almost completely friendless and shunned. A travesty IMO.

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