John McCain Runs into a Merchant Ship – IOTW Report

John McCain Runs into a Merchant Ship

Even ships that have his name attached to it screw up somehow.

The guy is like Wrong Way Feldman.

10 missing, 5 injured after USS John S. McCain collides with merchant ship in Pacific

24 Comments on John McCain Runs into a Merchant Ship

  1. First, let me just say that I hope the 10 are found alive and the other 5 recover nicely.
    Now, I have some cultural info—-
    The Strait of Malacca, where the incident happened… Well, in Greek. ‘Malaka’ means ‘asshole’.
    That’s all I have to say about it.

  2. The tumorous congressman from Arizona demanded that the ship only be able to turn left so some sort of collision was inevitable.

    Prayers to the missing and injured.


    The ship is crunched in on the left side of the bow, and protruding out slightly, and has a gash on its tower.

    So now at least it looks like the real John McCain.

  4. For those that don’t know, that is probably one of the most
    maneuverable ship’s in the world. Dual shaft variable pitched screws
    that are independent, they don’t even need a rudder in an emergency.
    Unphucking heard of!

    In other news, looks like about 10 courts martials for the Fitzgerald
    crew. They were phuckered up BAD..

  5. with todays modern radars and other such equipment this is inconceivable. One collision could have been an accident. Two cannot be. I cannot conceive of naval officers in todays navy being incompetent. Therefore there must be another reason. This incident doesn’t smell, it reeks. Is this a cover for Chinese/US battle damage?

  6. Once is perhaps just a coincidence, twice is shame on you. I thinks (as a former sailor and navigation specialist) that “Houston, we have a problem.”

    This may be the latest emerging terrorism tactic – I pray not but twice in a short period of time is just too much.

  7. Time for a critical review of high ranking officers promoted on the gay Kenyan commie’s watch. How many were promoted because they’re soft of gays? How many promoted because they said they’d fire on American citizens? How may were promoted because they had political connections to that traitor or one of his sycophants? Chickens coming home to roost.

  8. Judge Roy Bean nailed it. During Obama’s 8 year reign of terror, he made it bluntly plain that warrior-mentality officers would not be promoted (“up or out”) and PC officers would be promoted on a fast-track basis.

    The result of this intentional malaise is incompetent, fuck-up officers getting promoted over the heads of their betters.

    As for COLREGS, despite the McCain clearly having right of way over the tanker, BOTH vessels are responsible to keep a clear watch and maneuver & communicate to avoid collision. The CO (and all the watchstanders on the bridge, the lookouts and the CIC watchstanders) FAILED in their mission. Happening so soon after the Fitz’s recent debacle makes this doubly inexcusable.

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