John McCain’s Line of Questioning Sounded Like It Came From a Befuddled Confused Old Man – IOTW Report

John McCain’s Line of Questioning Sounded Like It Came From a Befuddled Confused Old Man

The most cringeworthy line of questioning, so far, has come from John McCain.

It was painful to watch. He kept saying “Mr. Comey” in place of “president Trump,” creating an atmosphere of confusion.

He tried to make the point that it seemed like a double standard that Hillary’s investigation is over while Trump’s continues.

Comey reminded McCain several time’s that the ongoing investigation is about Russian collusion, not Hillary’s server.

McCain shook his head, suggesting bewilderment, unable to parse in his head that there are different ongoing investigations.

Maybe he was saying that Hillary should be investigated for colluding with the Russians, or that the investigation of Trump in Hillary’s server issue should be declared concluded as well.

If McCain had a point, and it might have been a great one, it was lost.

McCain needs to be put out to pasture.


30 Comments on John McCain’s Line of Questioning Sounded Like It Came From a Befuddled Confused Old Man

  1. He was confusing me with his conflation of investigations. Wasted his valuable time, when he could have been going at Comey for his July 5th, unilateral acquittal of Hillary Clinton.

    The only real loser today is Comey, because he demonstrated that Trump did the right thing by firing the flake.

  2. Watching Comey, he seems like that little kid in grade school that likes to go around and just agitate everyone, saying just enough, insinuating just enough, to get everyone on edge and maybe wanting to fight.
    President Trump is right – a real nut job

  3. John Kerry once said: “Senator McCain, as he mentioned, is a long-time friend. I will never forget standing with him in Hanoi, in the cell, in the Hanoi Hilton, in which he spent a number of years of his life, just the two of us, listening to him talk about that experience. I will always be grateful for his partnership in helping to make real peace with Vietnam. We were able to help heal deep wounds and end a war that had divided too many people for much too long. I can pledge to you that as a veteran of war I will always carry the consequences of our decisions in my mind.”

    Apparently, this is one of the consequences.

  4. John McStain should’ve been put out to pasture long ago. Now his entire meaning of life is to extract revenge on Trump over his “McStain’s no hero” comments.

  5. He was on the correct trail but failed to move the ball down field.
    The main point was Comey said the Hillary investigation was over July 5th.
    Thing is, they interviewed Hillary on July 5th!
    The fix was in.
    Proves her interview was window dressing.
    The investigation was already over.

  6. I have no respect for John McCain, but in all honesty, his performance this morning is troubling.
    He was unable to construct a cohesive sentence and at times seemed aware that he was not able
    to do so. He looked around frequently as if to seek support or assistance. It also was concerning
    that he continued to repeat the same sentence. Again, I dislike Mr. McCain and his anti-Trump
    activities, but I don’t think this is a laughing matter any more. I believe he is cognitively impaired.

  7. Officer Comey’s Law Enforcement Guide Lines in Action:

    Democrat: “I’m sorry officer. I don’t know how those fifty car radios got in my back seat. It’s a mystery to me.”

    Officer Comey: “Looks pretty suspicious, but you can go.”

    Republican: “I hope you don’t give me a traffic ticket because I wasn’t speeding.”

    Officer Comey: “Get outta the car!!!… You’re under arrest for obstruction of justice!!!”

  8. “If McCain had a point, and it might have been a great one, it was lost.”

    It sounded like he had a point, and a trap. For about 10 seconds and then he just lost it.

  9. With McCain present, we still have only 99 senators.
    Assuming we can pretend Franken, Warner , Harris st al are even “senators”.

    That Arizona election ballot rigging every 6 years must be staggering.

    McCain was trying to read aloud the Trap questions his staffers had prepared, but couldn’t even read aloud unassisted.

    I wish him a lingering and painful death, with full realization at the end of the treasonous harm he has done to this country, and that he will be remembered only with contempt, by generations yet unborn.

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