John McEnroe Still Causing Controversy – IOTW Report

John McEnroe Still Causing Controversy

Update: After reading the article- READ THIS —> 
How to… beat both Williams sisters in one afternoon
  ht/ Drinking Covfefe with Bona Dude


It’s like the 80s again.

McEnroe enraged women, and beta men, by quipping that Serena Williams would be ranked 700th on the men’s tennis circuit.


McEnroe induced a wave of ire, including some from Williams herself, after making the comment Sunday on NPR. On Tuesday he told CBS This Morning he “didn’t know it would create a controversy” but wouldn’t be apologizing. According to HuffPost, McEnroe said he didn’t want to “upset” Williams and cause “anything to go wrong” with her pregnancy.

While McEnroe apparently isn’t sorry for his comments about Williams, he said he is sorry tennis players are constantly asked to rank each other. He said people are “always asking about how women” would do playing against him. In a joking re-ranking of history’s greatest tennis players, McEnroe put Williams fifth overall, asking, “You happy now?” He said he would rank about 1,200th out of women’s tennis players at his current age of 58…


I love how the CBS bint asks him if he’d like to apologize for his opinion.

This is how it goes today, you have to apologize for your opinions. Yet, holding Trump’s severed head up is, somehow, not an opinion, and not something you should apologize for.



24 Comments on John McEnroe Still Causing Controversy

  1. “I like to see Serena jog, but that’s just me….”

    You can catch that shit on National Geographic. If you think that comments out of line, check out her fathers racist shit sometime.

  2. He’s on a book tour. Being a loudmouth punk is in his genetics. The go hand in hand.

    We need a Bobby Riggs/Billy Jean King rematch. This time between Penis Gorilliams and Fetus Gerulitis.

  3. Bull shit, McEnroe was on the money here. He had the balls not to fll into the MSN trap. “Do you want to apologize?”

    Would have loved to have heard, “Well actually no bitch, as a matter of fact I’ve arranged a match with the 400th ranked mens tennis player”,

  4. He thought NPR was the place where “you could say it like it is”. I reckon he has been disabused of that notion. And trying to make him say that Serena Williams is the best tennis player ever? Stalinist to the core. Cut the cord, PDT.

  5. @ drinking covfefe with bona dude…

    “That never came about, but when I saw Venus a few months later at the French Open she came up to me with a big smile on her face and said, ‘You know that thing in Australia – it never happened!’

    That’s got a whiff of Stalin, too.

  6. simple solution … have Williams declare herself a transgendered, non-binary … whatever … male thing & demand competition on the men’s circuit

    put up … or shut up

  7. The only reason that the Williams sisters were ever ranked high in the women’s tennis world is because of their size. Have you ever seen how large they are compared to other women tennis players? Of course they will win. You put a larger and stronger player up against a smaller weaker player, and who do you expect to win. Neither sister should have ever been ranked very high at all. The Williams sisters compared to a regular female player looks like a football linebacker compared to a ballet dancer. It is all size, and no talent with them.

  8. He should have mentioned the Australian professional women’s soccer team that lost 6-0 to the 16 year old high school boys team or any big money marathon never won by a woman. When will they learn we are different?

  9. In Men’s Temnis they play best of 5 sets while women play best of 3. But, yeah, the best woman tennis player could hold her own against a male opponent (ROLLS EYES). GMAFB.

  10. I was a huge tennis fan as a kid, and the night Billy Jean King “defeated” Bobby Riggs was a crushing event. Except, and no one seems to talk about this (then or now), the match was crooked. First off, it was a 50+ year old man against a 20+ woman. Then to make matters worse, Riggs had to play to the singles lines and King got to play to the doubles lines. There were other fixes too, but I can’t remember all of them because I was so mad for allowing this to be called the battle of the sexes, and making it seem like it proved women were equal to men in the sport.
    Another note I haven’t heard mentioned, Chris Everett was married to the tennis player Lloyd (don’t remember his first name). At the time he was ranked around the bottome of the 90-100 range. Chris did an interview and said she couldn’t beat him on her best day.

  11. It’s Bobby Riggs vs. Billy Jean King all over! I can see it now. John McEnroe vs. Serena Williams. Months of promotional hype and then the match. I would definitely watch that.

  12. Steroid Williams is one of the best in the wymyn’s bull dyke game. She should have shut her Tweethole b/c she has said the very same thing Mac said. She is classless and a hothed who smashed rackets when she is losing — steroid much serena? Look at her. A complete ‘roid monster. Goes into the hiding place in the house when the tennis cops show up for a drug test. She may have a lot of wins but she is a loser.

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