John Nolte “Gets It” – Skewers Meathead – IOTW Report

John Nolte “Gets It” – Skewers Meathead


Former film director and current Twitter/X activist Rob Reiner is sweating blood over the prospect of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running as a third-party presidential candidate.

“Not exaggerating when I say that a vote for any 3rd party candidate will put Trump back in the WH and destroy 247 years of Self Rule,” he tweeted on X Thursday.

“Not exaggerating” about the end of “self-rule.”

A better way to put it is that Reiner is panicking like a 14-year-old girl.

Let me see if I got this right… Reiner’s party wants to pack the Supreme Court with Nazis who will overturn every law protecting free speech and self-defense. His party uses multinational corporations to censor Americans. His party wants to mutilate children without parental permission. His party has opened our border to the third world to replace legal Americans. His party arrests political opponents and holds them without bail. But, yeah, let’s worry about Trump…

The funniest part about Reiner’s tweet — and by funniest, I, of course, mean stupidest —  is that we already put Trump in the White House. All he did was lower our taxes, decrease regulations, create peace in the Middle East, make America energy independent, deliver record-low unemployment to black Americans, kill ISIS, get North Korea to stop firing missiles, and keep legions of unvetted foreigners on their side of the border.

The only people who tried to end “self-rule” between January 2017 and January 2021 were Democrats and the fascists in the FBI, CIA, DHS, and corporate media, who used one hoax after another to try to pull off a presidential coup.


22 Comments on John Nolte “Gets It” – Skewers Meathead

  1. Reiner’s both a liar and a hypocrite.
    Another rich parasite feeding off the poor.
    And Papa P, you won’t see his obit for a long time: the good die young and Reiner is one of Satan’s curses on the World.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m hoping and praying President Trump gets elected again to serve his second term. When that happens maybe 1/3 of the Progs will commit suicide, 1/3 heads will actually explode aka massive brain hemorrhage and the other 1/3 will die from massive heart attacks due to the stress they will put themselves under.

  3. Bubblehead, the guy has the privilege of living in an alternate reality to the rest of the world.

    Someone should do a mockumentary on Reiner. Call it, “Maybe I Should Shut My Yap.”

  4. Put Meathead out on the street in a CA city and see how long he survives.
    Or pull the plug on his psychiatrist and have him locked in a permanent fetal position within hours.

  5. Did we miss the story about Reiner and other social media “influencers” had turned over their media accounts to the CIA? This supposed”panic” of Reiner is clearly misdirection. Based on polls, RFK running as an independent would actually take votes away from Trump and help Biden get re-elected. RFK is a progressive democrat; the only plausible reason for him to run as an independent is to keep the dems in power. It’s just like Ross Perot in the 90’s.

  6. Rob Reiner – what a joke…nobody that stupid will get any traction with comments like: Trump back in the WH will “destroy 247 years of Self Rule”.

    He’s gotta be one of those infamous Red Diaper chickens who were fed Communist propaganda from the day they were hatched. When Trump was in the WH for four years I don’t recall him destroying 240 + years of self-rule. No, it’s the current WH fraud who is kowtowing to the globalist world domination schemes – there is our criminal.


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