John Oliver Producer Corrals Innocent Son Into His Twisted Delusional World – IOTW Report

John Oliver Producer Corrals Innocent Son Into His Twisted Delusional World

h/t lies my father told me

15 Comments on John Oliver Producer Corrals Innocent Son Into His Twisted Delusional World

  1. Child abuse.

    If the warping hasn’t cost the son his life or sanity, a day will comes when his son will know he can’t trust his father and will minimize the man’s presence in his life.

    Why do so many liberals think having a child is an opportunity to “shape” the kid into something unnatural?

    When my most-lefty friend told me his GF was pregnant last Winter, it wasn’t 2 minutes before he said he was going to shape the child into a super SJW.

    I told him we (his whole family and every friend) all knew it was a blessing he hadn’t ever had a child and shit like this is why.

    I told him he’s going to majorly screw that child up with his desire to “create a society” the way his bipolar mind thinks it should be.

    He’s 62. Maybe he’ll check out before much damage is done. He thinks his GF will carry on his wishes if he does die while the child is young. Not likely, she’s much saner than him and thinks his support of Black Lives Matter and such is stupid. She rolls her eyes when he gets on a politically leftist rant.

    And she’s black.

  2. If you enlarge the photo, you can see someone through the doorway on the left, in a grey elephant pattern onesie sitting on a stool. Must be his older maladjusted son, Pajama Boy.

  3. That’s “Madam President”, Matt. Maybe Newsweak will sell you the recalled edition to help you gaslight your baby. In fact, if you want to really mess with him, most major mags have alternate election covers they’d love to find good homes for. Create a grand multimedia illusion to last for his lifetime.

  4. Kids eventually grow up and find out when their parents are full of shit. That’s when they distance themselves from their parents and do their best to be everything their parents weren’t.

    Yours will be no different, Matt Passet.

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