John Roberts uses Obama’s words against him on immigration case – IOTW Report

John Roberts uses Obama’s words against him on immigration case

WaTimes: Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. prodded the Obama administration Monday to explain President Obama’s 2014 immigration flip-flop, when Mr. Obama reversed himself and decided he did, after all, have powers to grant a tentative amnesty to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants.

obama horns speech

Mr. Obama had repeatedly denied he had that kind of power, then, after the 2014 election and Congress’ refusal to pass a bill he wanted, the president claimed a do-over and said he did have the power.  more here

11 Comments on John Roberts uses Obama’s words against him on immigration case

  1. I hope Roberts has prepared his eulogy and picked out a nice suit to be buried in. Doing does not respond well to being challenged. Just ask the Scalia family.

  2. Barky’s words (written and spoken) didn’t seem to matter in the ObolaCare fiasco.

    Roberts is a traitor to his Oath, our Constitution, and to everything good and decent.

    Fuck him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. WTH, the federal government didn’t have the power to punish me for not buying their lousy insurance till Roberts found the authority appear out of nowhere.

    This country has had former presidents who said many things a lot more important than anything Obumbles has said yet Roberts was / is fine with not recalling what they said.

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