John Solomon Raises Big Questions About Biden Ukraine Narrative – IOTW Report

John Solomon Raises Big Questions About Biden Ukraine Narrative

In an appearance on Hannity last night, journalist John Solomon announced  “450 pages” of documents “from the State Department and Hunter Biden’s “legal team,”” were in his possession that tell a different story than the one the former Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden has been peddling.

First up, the very same day that the Ukrainian prosecutor, Victor Shokin was fired, Biden’s law firm tried contacting the new prosecutor to get that individual to drop the investigation into the Burisma gas company. Second, the story that Shokin was fired for corruption was fabricated by Hunter Biden’s attorneys. Solomon further claimed that prosecutor Shokin had specifically targeted Hunter Biden as a Burisma board member when Vice President Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired. More

10 Comments on John Solomon Raises Big Questions About Biden Ukraine Narrative

  1. EVIDENCE!….EVIDENCE! We don’t need no stinking evidence; Trump is guilty of something.

    When Ukraine produces the “Crowdstrike sever, there will be a lot of “suicides” of leakrs and registrations from all levels departments in the government.

  2. The man who never had a real job in his life gains the power to control billions of taxpayer money.

    Lunch box blue-collar Joe needs a ring around the collar and a lunch box to the head.

    America: What a country!
    We hire the corrupt, stupid and handi-capped.

    Whistleblower Whistleblower Whistleblower
    Shazam! Sounds like Gomer Pyle

  3. Top 10 different stories than the one the former Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden has been peddling.
    1. Joanie from Happy Days, yea, I did her.
    2. My Dad is a railroad Engineer.
    3. I do have convictions (drug offences) which are spent some 30 years ago for when I was 16-18 and have a caution from 4 years ago for criminal damage.
    4. Perfectionist with a keen I for details.
    5. Speaks English and Spinach
    6. Quick lerner, good at mats amd speling
    7. University: August 1890 to May 1993
    8. have proven ability to count to at least twenty
    9. Do the least a mount of work for the most money so I can pay Dad some rent and not kick me out of the house.
    10. Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.


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