John Solomon Stands By His Claim: John Durham Indictments Coming Soon – IOTW Report

John Solomon Stands By His Claim: John Durham Indictments Coming Soon


John Solomon appears on Fox Business News with Lou Dobbs to discuss his latest article about HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff blocking release of congressional transcripts.

Additionally, Solomon again says he believes “clear evidence” exists to show that U.S. Attorney John Durham is going to indict people in/around the DOJ/FBI/CIA surveillance operation against Donald Trump….. and there will be more declassified material being released soon. read more

24 Comments on John Solomon Stands By His Claim: John Durham Indictments Coming Soon

  1. RSN. Real Soon Now.
    Bureaucratic response to everything.
    Sort of similar to the Spanish mañana.

    In essence: “If I ever feel like it and I’m not playing cards, drunk, or watching porn on the interwebz.”

    (not a comment on Solomon, by any stretch)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They can continue to foot drag but their ultimate problem is the underpinnings of these federal agencys are badly eroded and loss of trust is widespread. Couple that with the additional stress of this virus complication and there’s a explosion waiting to happen.
    They can opt to allow these scum to slither away but are they going to be ready for the consequences?

  3. @burner April 23, 2020 at 1:11 pm

    > ‘Indictment’, is that like a sternly worded letter, in their permanent file?

    No. An “indictment” is, merely, an accusation. It’s more like a Post-It. Stuck outside the folder.

  4. “Oh, come on Charlie Brown. Stop being suspicious all the time. I will hold the ball until you kick it this time. Honest to gawd I will. Cross my heart and hope to die from coronavirus if I don’t. I’m sure you will finally score your dream field-goal this time. Come on. Have some faith, some optimism that your dream will come true. Swing away Charlie, swing away.”, Lucy.

  5. I gotta wonder why Trump isn’t pressuring Barr to stop these prosecutions of Flynn, Stone and others. These were monkey trials and yet it continues with none of the truly guilty on the other side being held to account.

  6. gin blossom

    the “Deep State” burg was built by Bush 1 in ’89. Bush 2 expanded it to a citadel in’01 with ex Jarhead B. Muller. This citadel is almost impervious to attacks from America lovers.
    “They can opt to allow these scum to slither away but are they going to be ready for the consequences?”

    As long as Bush 2 is free THERE WILL BE NO CONSEQUENCES.

    Brennan, Clapper, Comey and the rest of Bush2’s gang understand this. they are bad men (if you love Americans, good men if you think we are xenophobic white nationalists) but they are not dumb!

    When GWB is “perp walked” they will start to “shake in their boots”! As long as the Bakersfield Bolshevik “leads” the House GOP it will NEVER HAPPEN!

    There are leftists running the Cal GOP; Bolshevik of Bakersfield is one.


  7. I don’t trust Barr. Sessions was COMPLETE bullshit, but at least Barr hired Durham.

    We’ll see. Meantime, ilian omar committed gross immigration fraud, and cortez committed gross election finance fraud, and donna shelala committed gross election fraud, and biden, kerry, clinton have robbed US foreign aid money blind, and obama got his 63 million dollar book deal in exchange for a 300+ million dollar payoff to the book company while he was infesting the white house.

    Sessions was a travesty. So far, Barr’s a fucking joke.

  8. @an ol exJarhead April 23, 2020 at 4:47 pm

    > This citadel is almost impervious to attacks from America lovers.

    The House Rules? (Subject to change. Without notice.) Written by the House? For the benefit of the House? Ajudicated by the House? So the House always wins. Might? not allow the House to lose?

    Well! That’s! Just. Madness!

    (Oh. And, by the by. The Rules constrain United States pedestal lickers. American supporters, even just the “Good on ya. Go git em.” nodders, do not consent to the House games. Which makes their rules moot. I know. I know. Guido’s still got a gat. And Nunzi keeps a chainsaw in the trunk. They always did. American supporters know that. Some always knew that. Don’t change their capitulation. To Rules they never agreed to. Because they are for a game. They never agreed to play.)

  9. > This citadel is almost impervious to attacks from America lovers.

    Newt ’96 Contract With America!

    conservatives dd run the House for 2 years. It can be done again!


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