“Johnny the Walrus” Upsets Amazon Woketards – IOTW Report

“Johnny the Walrus” Upsets Amazon Woketards

PJ Media

[Daily Wire’s Matt] Walsh wrote a book satirizing the transgender cult, and it became a best-seller on Amazon. The woke crew who runs Amazon isn’t about to let that continue. A leaked Zoom call has surfaced in which Amazon employees discuss plans to take the book off the recommended list and stunt its sales potential … essentially banning Johnny the Walrus.

Libs of TikTok has the video. In it, an employee of Amazon calls the satire “problematic” and says it’s been “a very traumatic experience for transgender Amazonians and our transgender customers.” The employee vows that “there are things in the space that are happening” to deal with this trauma.  “It’s one hell of a problem,” the employee says about the book, before bringing a “customer” onto the stream who lies about what is in it. More

10 Comments on “Johnny the Walrus” Upsets Amazon Woketards

  1. They are empowered and brave enough to pump their bodies full of crazy drugs and/or have surgery to dramatically alter who/what they are. However, a common sense book or an idea cripples them. Funny that.

  2. The left is having a snit fit and is sitting around listening to I Am The Walrus by The Beatles in a psychodelic induced coma of “I am the eggman (ooh), they are the eggman (ooh), I am the walrus, goo goo g’ joob…. All the hippie refugees from the 60’s are the leading edge of what’s become of the democrap party. Grow up, it’s only a kids book for gosh sake and leave us normal adults who quit taking drugs back in the 60’s and 70’s alone, we’re tired of your shit. And so are our children.

  3. I was listening to a presentation by Lance Walnau, a charasmatic Christian who has a plan to take over all the institutional aspects of society which he dubbed “The 7 Mountains” — Christian leadership in academics, business, gov’t, arts/entertainment, social media, etc. Anyway, he gives very entertaining presentations and one of his ideas is to have a Christian game show called “The Wheel of Wokeness” patterned after the Wheel of Fortune. A spin of the wheel lands the audience on one of a panoply of woke corporations, schools, etc and the goal is to generate as many phone calls, letters, tweets, emails and postings to social media as possible to initiate a buy/boycott of that unfortunate spin. I thought it was a great idea!

  4. JDHasty April 27, 2022 at 11:00 pm

    > job one is to break up Amazon and eBay

    Because the best treatment for cancer, is to chop the tumors up, and spreads them around.

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