Join Gab! – IOTW Report

Join Gab!

Gab has their own servers. They are slow or not responding the last few days because millions of deplorables are joining. They are adding more servers quite furiously in order to keep up with the demand.

Here is some information from Gab (thanks to Dadof4) for you to be impressed with their business policy:

Gab Help & Info
For those not aware and especially those coming from Parler, there is no app for Gab, but you don’t even need one. The dev team here stripped TENS of THOUSANDS of lines of code out of the Gab front-end last year to make it as lean and mean as possible and run smoothly via a simple mobile web browser. Gab has been designed specifically to run without an app or any dependance on the app store, and is battle hardened to withstand tyrannical deplatforming.

So I’ll say it again. You don’t need an app, but if you want an “app like experience” you can install Gab as a PWA (progressive web app) on both Apple and Android. Mobile web browser is all you need. For desktop, download and install the Dissenter web browser, and there’s actually an option to install “Gab Social” in a similar manner which runs off of the Dissenter browser back end, and gives you an app-like experience on the desktop also.

All of this is the exact opposite of all of the Big Tech products that specifically scuttle their mobile web performance to rope you into the app so that they can spy on you, collect all of your data, eavesdrop on your conversations, look at all of your photos, and track your location. APPS ARE EVIL. As for Parler, I could never get their platform to run well even with an app, and forget it with a mobile web browsing experience. They’re going to get completely deplatformed from AWS in the coming days if not weeks, at which point they’ll be finished completely. Gab owns all of their own servers and has stacks of them coming in, and cannot be deplatformed.

That is all. Welcome aboard

I just joined yesterday and many of us have been on for some time. Until/if President Trump decides to create his own social media platform, those of us with Gab accounts, let us know in the comments your username (@username) so we can find you and follow. Thanks!

Mine is @Claudia444

67 Comments on Join Gab!

  1. Have accounts at both Gab and Parler, but haven’t done much with either—so I forget what to do!

    (I daresay some tech-savvy third-grader will help me out eventually…)

  2. super toe JANUARY 10, 2021 AT 5:44 PM

    By the way, Gab will soon have their own phone as well, so we won’t have to rely on Apple or Android.

    If so, I’ll purchase one and see if it’s worth transferring both my phones to them.

    I’m encouraged, but still cautious.

    I’ll support freedom and independence whenever I can.

  3. I am working on it–went through everything (picture and all) and then I got the “we’re having technical difficulties” message. I can’t tell you “my name” until I find out if it went through. By then, this post will be long gone!

  4. I’m on there but it’s been soooooooooo long since I did anything that I have to login to remember what my name is there. 😝 I think it’s the same as here but until their site stops chugging i can’t confirm that.

    So…Parler likely down for a week. Gab picks up everyone from Parler. Parler comes back but people aren’t sure it’s as stable…Gab buys Parler?

  5. @lowtechlurker, here.

    Never been on fecebook, never been on titter, or any other social media platforms, so I don’t know how to really use the functionality of the site – thus the reason for name.

    I keep my digital footprint to a bare minimum, but I felt that it was important to have access to a censor free media site, so I joined yesterday.

  6. @Mr_Pinko

    I’m on StreetLoc. And GAB. Not to impressed with StreeLoc. No traction. GAB had a problem with to many asshole Antisemitic. GAB is the platform that will survive. The Antisemitics are currently being drowned out by the new membership. Trump joined GAB, not StreetLoc. GABS the place to be. And I’m reading Parler is screwed.

  7. Conservative Cowgirl

    It takes a little bit. I don’t think it’s actually that much different than Twitters format. Your feed will depend on your follows. I’ve been there for a while but have not been very active, I can send you some tips on follows. But I am now learning more on how it runs.

  8. My Petey B and I would NEVER join a hater potater website like Gab. BUTT if I had a Gab account you would find me at @Chastensunbleachedelasticstarfish!

  9. for me Gab says “under maintenance”
    12:50 am Monday
    I’ve seen PT’s Gab page and it looks a lot like his Twatter did
    or was that his Parler
    I tried getting into that too and should I forget them now?
    so hard to keep up!

  10. I don’t use a cell phone and I used to have a Facebook but never had anything on my ‘home page’ so it will take me awhile. I don’t know if the stuff after the AT SIGN will show up and is it changeable?

  11. Don’t know if the same fate will befall Gab, but Parlor was infiltrated, every user info collected and spread via Twitter user donk_enby.

    Mass pile on beginning to doxx and come after users, (jobs, harassment).

    This is a portion of “user moderators” that was collected in Dec. ⬇️
    Further, donk_enby states he/she grabbed everything up to date (ALL users, personal info, locations, posts, images) just before Parlor went dark last night.

    Just because Gab has their own servers doesn’t prevent determined hackers and/or a “friendly” patriot hiding among you. As a matter of fact I saw rabid fans posting downthread they “need to target Gab next”.

    Please be careful. It’s a feeding frenzy environment.

  12. So you trust a new platform and give them all your personal information.
    That is why I will never sign up for any socialized media.
    What happens when a new “good” version of one of these social media gets taken over by evil?
    Remember when Fox News was the place to go for truth?
    So, you attackers criticize people for anonymity because you sign up under fake user names and feel superior.

  13. Warning. Danger. Danger.,

    There is no anonymity on the web if someone is determined to find your identity, be careful what you say and make it as difficult as possible to build a profile of yourself that can be used against you.

    If you’re engaged in any sensitive speech, there are ways to make it virtually impossible to trace you at anything less than CIA levels of investigation. Educate yourself and learn how to do iteven if you never intend to use them.

  14. There is no anonymity on the web if someone is determined to find your identity, be careful what you say and make it as difficult as possible to build a profile of yourself that can be used against you.


    Dear NSA, etal, AKA The Evil Ones among us,

    Once you’ve taken everything from us we value – we have nothing left to lose. This is not a threat, it’s just a fact.

    Send bachelors. I’d rather not make more orphans, but your evilness might make it impossible to avoid.

    Get right with Jesus. You’re not going to like knowing you deserve what you get without Him to defend you and your sins.

  15. Old Mechanic, here. Been on Gab since 2018, Member, investor, and donor.

    Never belonged to Facebook or Twitter due to privacy concerns.

    Normally hang out at a group called Hard Core Conservatives for Trump.

    It’s been great up until a couple of weeks ago when Fakebook and Twatter started banning conservatives of all stripes Most went to Parler. The rest came to Gab. Then, with the announcement of Parler being shutdown, it’s been near impossible to get on the site till they add enough server that were already planned but had to be escalated at the last minute…

  16. Well so much for GAB, looks like it is toast!Error 1016 Ray ID: • 2021-01-12 00:26:32 UTC
    Origin DNS error
    What happened?
    You’ve requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (

  17. dee, your @name WILL show up. You might want to close that account and open a new one. You will never be able to change the @name because that is your identity there.

    When you sign up, use dee as your name, then it will automatically create @dee for your identity. Or you can use any made up name, then after your account is created, change you name (not the one with @) to dee.

    That’s what I did. Because Claudia was already taken as an identity (how dare they!! hehe), I used Claudia444. Then after the account was created, I went to my profile and changed my name to Claudia. You will not have a choice to change the @name, because that is permanent.

    Hope that helps.

  18. MJA, There are times when that error comes up for me. I go back a few minutes later and it’s ok. Frustrating, but it will get better after the 80 million patriots are finished signing up! 😀


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