Joker Is The Movie The Left Deserves – IOTW Report

Joker Is The Movie The Left Deserves

“The Joker” is a big hit. This despite the obvious desire by the media establishment that some demented individual shoot up a local Cineplex. The critics have savaged the film, but this hatred seems to have driven viewers back to the theater to watch the creation of a murderous comic book psychopath.

See Crowder’s compares the movie hated by the left, “The Joker” with the “TV show loved by the woke, “Batwoman.” Here

See Paul Joseph Watson’s view of the film and cancel culture Here

John Nolte explains why director Todd Phillip’s movie is such a poke in the eye of the left. Here

9 Comments on Joker Is The Movie The Left Deserves

  1. The reason the Left hates Joker is the same reason they hated Bronson’s Deathwish. The character Arthur is, from infancy, a victim of a failed and collapsing governmental system. Arthur grows up enduring tragedies and evils which government not only can’t fix but in fact causes. So like Paul Kersey, he finally takes matters into his own hands the only way he can…and gets results. The Left HATES anything that magnifies the individual at the expense of the collective.

  2. The Left Deserves, the playbook rewriting fact and history!
    Clinton’s been doing it for decades. Now we need to understand that the Joker is a psychotic , (duh), and feel sorry for him. I feel more sorry about Joachim Phoenix being such a worthless actor.
    Now that the CW has re-written that Batwoman is a lesbian, guess that evens everything up too, except for now trying to make us believe that Ruby Rose is an actress.

  3. I liked Caesar Romero as Joker, Burgess Meredith as Penguin, Frank Gorshen as Riddler, and Julie Newmarket as Catwoman.
    Must watch at student union (Only public access color television) when I was in college.
    Biff! Pow! Socko!
    Stay tuned next week
    Same time same bat channel.

  4. Hmmm… wonder if Nolte has read one of my posts somewhere? Maladjusted malcontents or malicious maladjusted malcontents is a turn of phrase I have used when commenting on the left for four decades and up until now have never run into another individual using it, not even once.

    Who are Joker’s mindless followers? Who are these maladjusted malcontents, these adult losers who live with their mothers; these useless idiots who exist in literal garbage and keep voting for the same politicians to run their Gotham City? Who are these crybabies who worship a murderer, these nihilists who hold RESIST signs, who scream KILL THE RICH!, who hate cops, who “don’t believe in anything,” who think something’s wrong with society because they’re not “happy all the time”? Who cover their faces with masks so they can riot and go wilding under the pretense this criminal and cowardly behavior is an act of virtue?

  5. @no blushes

    HOO B O I.
    Now listen, we can agree on moral and political viewpoints and values (in fact we tend to 99.9% of the time).

    But your taste in actors must be terrible. Joaquim Phoenix is a FANTASTIC actor- he’s been in some of my favorite movies ever.
    And he was FANTASTIC in the Joker (which was also a great movie- dark but a brilliant character study of a iconic character and mental illness in society as a whole).

    And ALSO- I don’t like Batwoman- not a fan. But she’s been in the comics a long long time- and she’s been a lesbian since the early 1980s.
    So CW didn’t make her a lesbo.

    The batwoman show sucks because it’s cholk full of disrespect for traditional values, it pushes the 4th wave feminism to the max- and I don’t like lesbians on tv. I think that it’s a tad gross.

    tldr; JP is a fab actor and batwoman has always been a lesbian.


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