Jonah Goldberg and Steven Hayes Resign From Fox Because of Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

Jonah Goldberg and Steven Hayes Resign From Fox Because of Tucker Carlson


Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes have resigned following the release of Tucker Carlson’s documentary on the January 6 Capitol insurrection, “Patriot Purge,” citing concerns about the documentary’s potential to incite violence and the cable news outlet’s direction of coverage in the post-Trump era, The New York Times reported.

Goldberg and Hayes joined Fox News as contributors in early 2009 while also working for conservative political magazines.

The “Patriot Purge” documentary baselessly suggested that the January 6 insurrection was a “false flag” plot by President Joe Biden to conduct an ideological purge and persecute conservatives.

“This is not happening. And we think it’s dangerous to pretend it is. If a person with such a platform shares such misinformation loud enough and long enough, there are Americans who will believe β€” and act upon β€” it,” Goldberg and Hayes said in a statement. “This isn’t theoretical. This is what actually happened on January 6, 2021.”

Read the original article onΒ Business Insider

46 Comments on Jonah Goldberg and Steven Hayes Resign From Fox Because of Tucker Carlson

  1. Those are some very confused and unprincipled people.

    And I’m not talking about Tucker Carlson and crew.

    I’m not familiar with Hayes but I remember Goldberg well from the early days of NRO. He was funny and mostly rational, but that was a very, VERY long time ago. He’s unrecognizable now.

  2. Altho fox news NEVER told you everything
    They were far more reliable and truthful
    than the MSM and other propagandists of the


    who call themselves democrats

    and who I call


    Fox News was good until Roger Ailes left
    and they’ve been going down ever since

    There was a time when Fox News was worth something.

  3. In-sighting violence, like MSM did in Waukesha, Wisconsin and other places, last night?? Our lying freedom of the press is not working out to being very safe.

  4. best news I’ve read in a long time. Neither one of those characters was worthy of being a member of Fox.

    They will not be missed by anyone. They should join Joy on the dying MSNBC

  5. In order to have their exit have any effect, they would have to take some substantial number of viewers with them. I don’t think anyone who still watches fox will even notice. Tucker and Levin (occasionally) are the only ones I watch, on YT.

  6. So glad I let my NRO subscription expire 2017 and went full on MAGA!! These turda prove me right every single day. Question for Jonah: Now that you’re off fox news do you still wear “the rug” on your head?? Losers….

  7. How many Leftist Propaganda Acolytes at MSNBC and CNN supported riots leading to cities burning down ?

    As for Tuckers Documentary..and these wankers quitting ….let the Truth be told tho the Heavens Fall

  8. Nice job, Tucker. For years, these globalist monkeys have been polluting the minds of anyone who will listen to them. I only hope they resigned themselves all the way into shark-infested waters!

  9. Hasn’t all the main stream media noticed by now we don’t go to them for news anymore just for the entertainment. That includes Fox but excludes Tucker, he is about all Fox has left, or should I say RIGHT.

  10. I don’t understand why these people are leaving a news network, because of something that someone else is doing?

    That doesn’t lend credence to their argument. In fact, if they wanted to refute what Carlson is saying, they could debate him –on Fox News. But they’re not. I wonder why…?

  11. I watched the specials. I never heard Tucker call 1/6 a false flag event. However, even though Business Insider failed to be honest about the FBI involvement in inciting people to enter the Capitol, which is on video and is now indisputable, Tucker is merely asking the questions that are obvious, yet the act of asking them means Tucker is somehow inciting riots.

    Now onto Goldberg’s and Hayes’ claims that Tucker’s special will incite more 1/6 events, there was an actual, provable attempt BY the FBI to recreate a 1/6 event in DC last summer (also on video). Yet, that attempt by the FBI and their surrogates to incite another riot by emphasizing the very things Goldberg and Hayes claim Tucker did, in fact did NOT incite another 1/6 event. And, Business Insider also failed to ask, why not?
    The answer is that the people who fell for the FBI and their surrogates’ efforts to incite 1/6 weren’t going to get fooled again last summer. But, nice try Jonah and Steve. Maybe CNN will give you a job since NR probably isn’t making enough to pay you to be RINO’s.

  12. These two Bush surrogates, and card carrying members of the quickly sinking USS Bulwark, are globalist pigs in Republican clothing. The Republican Party has emerged as the party FOR the working and entrepeneurial Middle Class. The Democrat Party has finally succumbed to the Communist New World Order Party. These two shills will find a perfect fit in it.

  13. No loss…I watch Fox News regularly and I can’t remember them. Either I have Alzheimers or they have absolutely nothing to contribute, therefore me missing them. I think its the later. Buh-bye…life goes on just fine without YOU!

  14. Bitter no-Trumpers who advocated for years everything Trump got accomplished and can’t stand it that he did it without their help and counsel. Goldberg can whine about how great he is somewhere else. Take Juan Williams, Donna Brazile and Paul Ryan with you! Oh and FJB.

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