Jordan Bows Out, Will Back Pro Tempore Speaker – IOTW Report

Jordan Bows Out, Will Back Pro Tempore Speaker


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) confirmed Thursday he will not seek a third vote to become Speaker of the House and will back a plan to grant Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC) more powers. More

13 Comments on Jordan Bows Out, Will Back Pro Tempore Speaker

    Clearly “Bush Republicans” ar a force “to be reckoned with”!

    At least Paxton lived.

    Speaking pf which the lefty “Bush Republican” Gonzalez led the left against Jim.
    Bush is still pulling the strings; and still makes the marionetts “dance to his leftist tune”!


  2. Don’t worry, the repuglikins have the people’s welfare at heart. Meet the new speaker, same as the old speaker. Think not? Boehner, Ryan, McCarthy ad infinity. The problem is Washington DC, and thinking they will fix it is a fools arrand.

    Need I repeat myself?

  3. The RINOs remain in control of the House.

    Expect more of the same capitulation to the Biden/Democrat disaster, more funding for Ukraine, more funding for terrorists in Palestine, More attacks on the 2nd Amendments, More Illegal Immigration, less freedom of speech, fewer rights of Privacy, More Taxes, more regulations, More weaponized attacks by federal agencies, more political incarcerations, MORE DEMENTIA, and Much MORE DEBT.
    RINOs are part of the anti-American Establishment.

  4. This is why I said the ouster of McCarthy was a huge mistake. Wasn’t that hard to figure out. The 22 turn coat POSs that will not vote for Jordan are the very same assholes that would not back McCarthy in impeachment proceedings against Biden. Which have all stopped by the way. We didn’t have the numbers to pull this off. Pretty small ball on Gaetzs part. This was his plan? It’s also being reported that lobbyists and Network news were working overtime after hours promising these 22 all kinds of goodies. They sold out our country for personal gain. One would hope MAGA keeps these bastards from running for re election. In fact re calls are in order.
    The good news is this isn’t the RINOs still in control, this is the GOP dying and being replaced by the party of Trump.

  5. Maybe the collapse of the republican party is what we need. The swamp is deep, but the shit is floating to the top for all to see and RINO’s is its name. It’s not the democrats because we know exactly where they stand. It’s the RINO’s who we are at war with.

  6. ALEON
    Yes, when is was conservative -ronny- dem I DID LOOK SOME MANARIN TALKERS IN THE EYE WHILE GUTTING THEM.

    Never back stabbed. Did some back shooting. They’d shoot me in the back had I given ’em the chance!
    “Alls fair in love….”!
    Kid that grew up about 15 miles form here said my job was “To make that other son of a whore give his life for his country!” I like/liked George!

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