Jordan Peterson Confounds Shallow Leftist Thinker – IOTW Report

Jordan Peterson Confounds Shallow Leftist Thinker

Peterson is getting a lot of positive press, and I am amongst the cheerleaders, but let’s be real. It does not take an intellectual powerhouse to turn a leftist “thinker” into fairy dust, because their beliefs are not grounded in thinking.

Just asking this dope, posturing on a leather chair, toe to toe with Peterson, “what is makeup for?” (asked in the context of workplace sexual harassment) is enough to get him stuttering and stammering.

I’ve never been one to fully embrace the feminist idea that a woman should expect no untoward reaction from men if she chooses to walk down the street with her t*ts  and @ss exposed. Should she expect to be raped? Of course not. Should she expect to be noticed? Yes. And that is exactly why she is walking down the street that way. You can’t pick and choose who you want to be noticed by any more than you can demand never to be offended.

A woman wears makeup to make herself look as attractive as possible, and then when Joe, in accounting, verbalizes that he thinks she looks attractive, he’s at HR fighting for his job.

The left peddles in unrealistic and childish behavior and thinking.

Watch Peterson with this dummy —->


22 Comments on Jordan Peterson Confounds Shallow Leftist Thinker

  1. Never heard of him before the Ch 4 interview linked here last month. Now I can’t get enough of him. Must have watched at least 8 hours of JP since then. A truly dangerous (to the left) mind.

  2. I just spent almost an hour trying to find a good link to recommend. He has enough good things to say, and he has such a great way to articulate his ideas I couldn’t pick just one. It’s worth it to spend a little free time that you might have look at a few of his videos, there is a bunch of them.

  3. I bought Peterson’s recent book 12 Rules… It is good but rather pedagogical and a slow read, his first book took 14 years to write and is considered unreadable except by other psychologists.
    I just heard of him last month, as many of us did. He definitely brings a fresh, blunt honesty to the discussion but I often feel that he could better explain things. For this video, of course women wear makeup to make themselves more attractive. Of course they are looking for positive feedback if not a mate, and of course they want men to respond. But they want men to respond appropriately.
    Will sexual harassment stop in the workplace? Well the answer is no – but not because I am enabling it, rather that there are millions of men and I can only control myself. So women should protect themselves. Similarly men should protect themselves – from physical attack, from lawsuits, whatever – and part of that protection is not doing anything to merit any of the above.

    Sometimes I feel like I’m mansplaining. Or peoplesplaining as Trudeau would say. 🙂

  4. Yesterday Abigail Adams suggested an article in Imprimis by Amy L.Wax. Related. We’re in deep shit folks. The swamp is deeper that we thought.
    I also checked out the pseudo intellectual dweeb, Benjamin Wittes, friend of disgraced FBI Rat Jm Comey, and big time
    leaker. Trump is surrounded. Now he “can shoot in any direction.” (Chesty Puller USMC)

  5. A lot of what Peterson says (elsewhere) is wise & basic truth. But this makeup argument? No! There’s makeup, and then there’s hooker makeup. And basic make-up is more akin to basic grooming and caring enough to just put your best face forward.
    Taken to the extreme, he sounds like a creeper making the argument that he knew she wanted him because she combed her hair or brushed her teeth.

  6. @JLJ
    I get your point, but I also get Peterson’s. I think (and maybe it’s just me) he’s arguing from the extreme. Can you define the line between presentable and hooker? Would different women define it differently? Would different men perceive it differently? I’m not trying to put you on the spot, but rather, trying to get you thinking the way Peterson is. I think you are each arguing from opposite extremes; You taking the stance that makeup is used by most women to look more ladylike as modern US society defines it (as influenced by the various media over decades), and he in makeup’s original use which would have been extreme in any quantity.

    The thing is, men still, subconsciously at least, perceive the effort to appear attractive, at a minimum. And what might an effort to appear attractive mean? It is so far removed from an effort made to be approached?

    If you knew that your efforts to appear “normal” were perceived as efforts to appear sexual, would you change your efforts?

    Be it by creation, evolution, or something in between, this perspective, I think, has merit enough to be asked and answered.

    Then again, perhaps this student of everyone from Aristotle to Nietzsche is just missing both points. Stranger things have happened.

  7. The trouble is (and I believe Mr. Peterson breezed past it) that there is no “NO” reasonable definition of harassment! Whilst employed with one of the big communications companies, I was “taught” (workplace harassment awareness training) that anything… ANYTHING that made any other individual “uncomfortable” was inappropriate and would not be tolerated….. well wait a minute baby.. my very visage makes some people “uncomfortable”… WTF? One of my coworkers was forced to remove his copy of the Declaration of Independence from his cube, as someone complained.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Let’s be honest here. Women wear face paint for the same reason they now wear yoga pants in public, and both sexes now get visible tattoos. Makeup is indeed intended to make you look more appealing to others…it’s reproductive at its root…and so make the woman feel more confident and prideful in her appearance because she knows others are finding her more appealing/attractive than they would seeing her raw (yoga pants often don’t QUITE work out that way but lots of women apparently don’t get it).

    Am I against makeup? No. Does wearing makeup mean every woman is looking for sex? No. But it mimics the reality Peterson pointed out and is, when you think about it from that angle, a cheat.

    It is not about merely making a woman feel better about herself, other people’s opinions of her looks be damned. The point is for her to feel more secure IN HOW OTHER PEOPLE view her. Again, do I think anything’s wrong with it? Not really. But let’s call it what it is.

    BTW. Ever notice how even homely women look better in subtle makeup, while almost any man can very easily look unnatural and “off” even in well-done makeup?

  9. Just finishing up the last chapters of his book. Great thinker. Very practical. And he’s absolutely right about deconstructionists playing a very dangerous game with western civilization. The leftist assholes are going to start a totalitarian movement, and it’s not going to be pretty nor end up with “equality”. It’s going to get a lot of people murdered.

  10. I work on a golf course. I see women’s tits,legs, and asses at a distance. I know they are there but when I meet them they always hug me. I don’t mind, long as they don’t kiss me on the lips. I know where their eyes are when speaking to them and that’s where I look. Three beautiful wives of friends witnessed my ‘hole in one’ and we had a ball at the Club House. Just normal shit.I ca believen’t

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