Jordan Peterson Treated For Prescription Drug Addiction In Russia – IOTW Report

Jordan Peterson Treated For Prescription Drug Addiction In Russia

His daughter said he had been taking the prescription drug to treat anxiety, which had been brought on by a severe autoimmune reaction to food.


Jordan Peterson is in Russia recovering from an addiction to prescription drugs. The controversial psychology professor and self-help book author has been battling an addiction to tranquillisers for years, his daughter Mikhaila Peterson has said. Peterson, 57, left an intensive care unit in a Russian hospital last week, after receiving treatment for his addiction to benzodiazepine, an anti-anxiety medication. He flew to Russia after being repeatedly misdiagnosed in US and Canada hospitals, according to Mikhaila Peterson. More

13 Comments on Jordan Peterson Treated For Prescription Drug Addiction In Russia

  1. Oh man, he had everything thrown at him at once. I hope that diet is working.

    “And just like that…poof…his detractors will discount everything he has said ”

    Yeah, but look at who the detractors are. Most of them don’t know what sex they are. They’re in no position to judge him on anything. lol!

  2. I take this drug and I guess Peterson was anxious about the hundreds of death threats against his family…it works well however, it is primarily prescribed for control of seizures..shuts down brain activity so that the source of anxiety cannot effect the brain area where one may worry about the movement in the grass, the smell of smoke etc..I hope that he is successful because the drug is not a narcotic so much as it erases the perceptions of current use is due to needing to fly in a plane despite a survived engine failure years ago..

  3. His daughter has the food disorder and autoimmune troubles. He experimented with the carnivore diet and a few others probably to see their effects on mood.
    Hope it works out for him.

  4. I have watched a lot of his videos and quietly said to myself that he looked very different over the last 2 years and wanted to tell him to remember to take care of himself first but It was impossible to get into one of his speaking events.
    He is important.
    But he has been hunted and attacked and had a sick wife.
    It took a toll.

    I hope he gets better, simplifies his schedule, and carries on the intellectual fight on his own terms. Good Bless JP.


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