Jordan’s 65 Votes Away from Speakership – IOTW Report

Jordan’s 65 Votes Away from Speakership

Just the News

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, won the speaker nomination on Friday 124-81 over Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga. Jordan previously lost to Scalise 113-99 but the Louisiana Republican backed out of the running due to a lack of votes to win a simple majority on the House floor. A simple majority is currently 217 due to vacancies. 

In the hopes of avoiding another marathon speaker election in public view on the House floor, the conference held a closed-door test vote to gauge how much support Jordan would have from Republican members on the House floor. The final tally was 152-55 so he still needs to pick up 65 votes to win, which is no small task. More

8 Comments on Jordan’s 65 Votes Away from Speakership

  1. Captain Obvious is a gasbag. Nothing will change especially any fucking notion that us rubes have representation in Congress.

    Even the few years I have spent living in R districts, the mindless deficit spending and the 180 overseas’ military bases continued despite the majority of citizens who wanted that shit to at least slow down.

  2. The GOPe/rino scumbags are the ONLY reason the world is on fire now. These clowns were hired by you and I to protect our country and our way of life. They sold us out to the swamp, stabbed us in the back and these pieces of shit could not be more arrogant about it. Just look at Liz Cheney. If a swamp rino is Speaker, look for nothing to change – or worse.


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