Jorona Biden delivers remarks on Coronavirus – first thing he does is touch his face and mouth – IOTW Report

Jorona Biden delivers remarks on Coronavirus – first thing he does is touch his face and mouth

What a simp –

26 Comments on Jorona Biden delivers remarks on Coronavirus – first thing he does is touch his face and mouth

  1. Best trait Biden learned from Obama was using so many useless words together trying to impress the public like what they say was not just a bunch of shit,,,
    30 minutes of Obama speaking always resulted in 4 words,,
    You are so F’ed,,,

  2. I assumed they’d have these pre-recorded so they could present the best possible Joe. Did they not get the memo Joe can’t keep it together for more than 2 minutes?!

  3. “Hey is this thing on?” Joe talks 30 seconds about unity then spends the rest of his time lying about and trashing Trump. DJT is making the govt move faster than it has in decades. Joe would be at the ‘expert panel’ bloviating stage. Maybe worse candidate than evil witch

  4. If Biden was president no one would know there was a problem, no empty shelves no panic. The media would have kept us calm and happy. Hillary would have discovered that white gun owners were the guilty ..

  5. Starts out talking about when we stood as one. Follows up with bashing current administration and President. Sounds congested, coughs during speech and his nose is red as W C Fields. Think I can take a guess why we haven’t seen Joe.

  6. I always wondered if “Uncle Joe” Stalin was also a simpleton that was used by his handlers as a front for all the terror that took place in the USSR. He may have been completely oblivious to the atrocities that were going on around him because they were out of his bubble they kept him in.
    I could see that happening here with the modern day Uncle Joe.

  7. Mark 5:59 – “starth”?

    Mark 8:47: – “Let me be clear, Donald Trumph mmbfffmbck mmffmptht corona virus”.

    Mark 10:22 – Teleprompter issues, signal with hand to scroll up and stumbles shortly thereafter.

    Mark 11:00 – “We can make Personal Productive Equipment (supposed to be Personal Protective Equipment)…”

    I tired of listening, see if you can find more on your own.

    Can’t wait for debates!

  8. Called Governor Charlie Barker Charlie Parker.
    Forgot what century he was in… said 1920 and then corrected to 2020.

    Not that it matters, he is a stooge simply keeping the Lizard Queen’s seat warm. Hillezibub will be his VP pick and Pedo Joe will step aside before the election.

  9. After dinner I should go down to Level 1 and see if Joe’s name is on the “On-Deck List.”

    Satan has been busy prepping Hillary for 2020, so He may have let Biden slip through the cracks.


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