Joseph Stealin – IOTW Report

Joseph Stealin

20 Comments on Joseph Stealin

  1. A lesson his acolyte GWB learned very well 40years ago. Why “Bush Republicans” have worked so hard the last 25 years to get GWB’s Canucks to “count” ( conservatives say FABRICATE) the votes. For those to busy to pay attention GWB’s Canucks are DOMINION!

    Once again proving El Rusbo was right 24 years ago GWB is teaming up with BHO to go on tour against MAGA

    The left( Fox, Karl, Chris et. al.) said Rush was a “Wack Job” 24 years ago. But Bush Republicans have proved Rush right thousands of times since 2001! GWB has hated Ronny for 43 years; so of course he hates MAGA!

  2. “All that is necessary for the triumph of Evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white dude)

    Our country is a slow-motion train wreck – except it’s getting quicker.
    Does that make sense?
    Like the effects of Gravity: when something falls, at first you can hardly discern movement – then is speeds up to terrifying rates – acceleration, I believe it’s called – the time rate of change of velocity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Just finished a Book that was set in Venezuela…There are still People down

    there that wear Red Berets and believe Chavez’s Plan will Work….While Eating

    out of Garbage Cans…

  4. One of the victims of Stalin’s “Show Trials,” as he was led to the gallows, shouted “Don’t make me angry!”

    Stalin laughed.

    True believer to the end.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s not over yet.
    I’ve been watching the remaining House races not called.
    Most of them are in California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington.
    The repubs aren’t going to win the House either.
    The “counters” in those districts will see to that…Even if they win by a small majority, it’s easy math and a few calculations for them.
    2020 was a litmus test for dems…They pulled it off.
    There will likely never be a republican in the white house again.
    Sadly, they will probably never control congress again.
    The dems win, man…Game fucking over.

  6. Each election, beginning at least 1960, the dems progressively improved their vote stealing techniques, and passed laws to enable even more. 2020 was the ultimate product of their efforts. And Jan 6, was the lesson to all of us what will happen if we dare protest…if you aren’t shot outright, be prepared for a long wait without bail for your show trial and then a lengthy prison sentence. We are done as a republic. The Biden administration has shown no regard for the law or the constitution. Look forward now for more early morning raids of our leaders and spokespeople. I would like to think we would go all Brazil, but we no longer have the military on our side thanks to the Obama/Biden purge. And we don’t have the huevos.

  7. Nothing else explains how a guy who rarely left his basement ‘beat’ a man who constantly filled stadiums full of supporters.

    Nothing explains how a party that has opened our borders, destroyed the economy on every level from inflation to gas prices and soaring interest rates, to the soft on crime policies could win.

    Everyone knows it’s fraud and manipulation.

  8. @Carlos The Jackal November 13, 2022 at 10:57 am

    > History teaches just one high speed projectile can alter its course.

    “History”, teaches nothing.
    It is prayers for those what can’t mafs.

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