Journalist David “Jussie” Corn Makes Claim About Graffiti in Airport – Seems To Be Lying – IOTW Report

Journalist David “Jussie” Corn Makes Claim About Graffiti in Airport – Seems To Be Lying

When a dunce lies they tend to be caught because, well, they are dunces. David Corn seems to be a dunce.

For no good reason the simp claimed he saw “obscene” graffiti about AOC in a Phoenix airport.

Why this would matter, what it is an indictment of, is unclear. But Corn, nonetheless, tweeted about it.

The airport responded and asked him to tell them where the graffiti was.

Corn went silent.

When writer Stephen Miller prompted Corn to respond he blocked Miller. LOL.

A child could figure out Corn was lying because he eventually told the airport where they could find the graffiti. When the airport said they didn’t find it, Corn said it was because it was written in marker that could be removed. He knew this because he said he wiped it.

What an idiot.

If he wiped it off why did he tell the airport where they could find it? Is he claiming that he wiped a portion off to test if it was removable, but left it largely intact? Why would he do that?

His story, like Jussie Smollett, makes no sense.

Corn then claimed he had a picture of the graffiti, but so far the airport hasn’t received a picture of it.

Corn has, in my opinion, lied.


20 Comments on Journalist David “Jussie” Corn Makes Claim About Graffiti in Airport – Seems To Be Lying

  1. Changing stories and stories that are later creatively embellished to explain discrepancies in the original story are a major indicator of a lie.

    And most liars have a long history of them, it’s highly unusual for a lie to come from someone that hasn’t been practicing them in his or her past.

  2. “Journalist David “Jussie” Corn …”

    “Journalist” was enough.
    When my eye sees “journalist” my mind reads “liar.”

    Oh, for the days of the reporter!
    But, then, they don’t “report,” do they?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The more I hear these fake stories, the more it makes me want to make up my own.

    Not for me to report, but instead leave leftist inspired artwork in obscure places without actually vandalizing anything. Maybe on post it notes or something. Or the back of a receipt, write, I tipped you because you’re black/gay.

  4. I saw a twitter response from the Airport yesterday saying they had checked all the restrooms, and no graffiti was found, but that restrooms are cleaned several times a day.

  5. Even “if” 100% true, is this news? I’m certain we could easily find anti-Trump graffiti scrawled on bathroom walls without trying very hard. So what??? Is this what the deranged left has been reduced to?
    I guess so, since anonymous tweets are now sources for TeeVee news.

  6. Who writes anti AOC graffiti with dry erase marker on the wall of the one bathroom stall in a large public airport that David Corn would just happen to use? Well, David Corn probably.

  7. These public figures are so driven by hatred they are willing to risk every blessing they have. That’s a LOT of hate. No court in the country could hand down a punishment equal to, or greater than, the sentence they are already serving.

  8. This just goes to show that media-figures will pick the “Corn” out of a pile of shit to find a Hate Hoax if they think it will stir up trouble.

    At first I thought the left learned NOTHING from the Smollett failure.

    I was wrong. David Corn figured out paying other people with a check would backfire . Plus, he could always plead the 5th to keep his lie going.


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