Journalist Kathleen Parker Should Forever Be Mocked, Ridiculed and Dismissed For the Amount of Stupidity She Just Displayed – IOTW Report

Journalist Kathleen Parker Should Forever Be Mocked, Ridiculed and Dismissed For the Amount of Stupidity She Just Displayed

A know-it-all journalist, Kathleen Parker, not only doesn’t know what The Body of Christ means, she claims to have lots of friends who are as equally stupid as her, a claim I find hard to believe.

On CNN, and unblinking panel of dopes let Kathleen Parker make this unchallenged assertion-


61 Comments on Journalist Kathleen Parker Should Forever Be Mocked, Ridiculed and Dismissed For the Amount of Stupidity She Just Displayed

  1. off topic, not that it matters

    there is another iotw participant using the period as his blog name, and it ain’t me

    i will re-invent myself with something more creative in the future, perhaps a colon

  2. Ted Cruz is a Southern Baptist which is about as middle of the road Christianity as it gets. There are a lot of kooks out there passing on false information about Cruz, saying he’s like Benny Hinn and the televangelists. Believe me Southern Baptist is no crazy religion.

  3. And to think, the opinions of this brain damaged twit are highly thought of by some people. But to be fair, those people are brain damaged twits as well.

    I’m so old I can remember when she used to call herself a conservative and wrote supposedly conservative columns for A few years ago even the establishment hacks there were shamed by their readers into deleting her nonsensical drivel from their pages. Obviously she hasn’t become any more intelligent over the years.

  4. Believe me Southern Baptist is no crazy religion.

    Except about alcohol. (-:

    As my Uncle Bob, an avid angler, once told me, “Always invite two or more Southern Baptists to go fishing with you. If you have only one of them along he’ll drink all your beer.”

    (I say this with affection – my family is full of Southern Baptists and they’re good people.)

  5. Magnum, enlighten me. I did a search today after plane jane posted that, and I found many references to RAphael Cruz partner in the ministry was that shylock Benny Hinns wife. So apparently its true. His dad preaches the old “donate to my ministry and God will make you wealthy” crowd. Benny Hinn (spit) is a crook. Have you researched this or is your comment just a guess?

    LIke i say, enlighten me.


  6. Uncle Al – That reminds me of an old Lewis Grizzard joke.

    Q: What’s the difference between a Presbyterian and a Baptist?

    A: A Presbyterian will speak to you when he sees you in the liquor store.

  7. I’m sure it was just a smug inaccurate guess. BTW, anyone notice how smug some of the C-bots are? Cannot discuss without paranoiac response to documented criticism. p.s. There is a difference between C-bots and regular supporters.

  8. Well, all of this aside, it is likely that she (along with millions of unbelievers) is convinced that Jesus never rose from the grave. This would explain her position, wrong as it is…

  9. She doesn’t know what the Body of Christ means. You can bet your bottom dollar she knows what the ummah is.
    ‘Prize winning journalist’ my butt. She is a cultural illiterate.

  10. I’m talking about Ted Cruz not his father. James Dobson, Franklin Graham and many other well respected Christian leaders endorse Ted Cruz. If you want to post your link I’ll definitely check it out.

  11. If you’re saying Ted Cruz is responsible for what his father has done or believes I would caution against that. I’m sure you wouldn’t hold Donald Trump responsible for what his father believes or has done in his life. Like I said a persons relationship is between that person and God and no one else. Neither Cruz or Trump are going to have to answer to anyone but God.

  12. I say what I know from my experience. If other people have had a different experience, I don’t argue with them. Each of us have our separate paths in life, and we should relate them as best we can.

    P.S. – I’m non-denominational too. No axe to grind here.


  13. I was going to tell you that out of all the people on this great site you and Lazlo are the two that stick out as never being rude or unkind to anyone and never getting into the political fights. And you, well you’re just plain funny. I like it!

  14. The comments of this so called journalist should not be a surprise to Christians. There are millions just like her who are clueless about the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Despite the cultural saturation of Christianity that still exists, non-Christians have to be informed directly by a Christian, the Lord Himself or the Holy Spirit the significance of knowing The True and Living God. Knowing why mankind needs God is a personal endeavor. God loves us and is all about relationships because it’s for our benefit.

  15. i entered a search for Raphael and Benny Hinn and got quite a few hits from what appear to be reputable sources about his ministry. I understand that many others endorse him. It is all in the eye of the beholder.

    No one knows the hearts of these people, or if Ted is like his father. I just find it curious. Thanks for your input.

  16. I can type in aliens and get thousands of hits saying they exist but that doesn’t mean they do..Then you won’t mind posting the links you’re going by. Post the links and let me check them out. I’m not saying Cruz’s father hasn’t been involved in any of that so post the links you are basing your whole idea of Ted Cruz and his family on and I will check them out. You and I both want to know the truth Right? Let’s get this cleared up.No harm in that!

  17. OK, can you please narrow it down to 3 or 4 reputable links you are getting your information from. I’m seeing a lot of liberal links like Salon and some sketchy ones. I really want to dig into the source of your information. Hey it’s Sunday a perfect day to discuss religion and I got nothing to do all day.

  18. Thanks – I regard that as a real compliment. I usually try not to be rude to people unless they’re rude to me or other IOTWers, and sometimes not even then. It’s usually safer to stick with humor – less chance of offending someone. Sometimes my sarcasm can get me in trouble, though. That’s when I blame it on the Devil, just like Flip Wilson used to. RIP, Flip.


  19. Magnum, this is kind of wordy, so bear with me, i’m not a writer. The sources I’ve seen are apparently correct about his dad. Cant argue with his connection with the Hinns. (spit) and I dont see where its ever been denied.

    Begin Rant Now…..I’ve seen many, many leaders drag people down the wrong paths. I even saw on GodTV big name “prophets” and others (including the Charisma editor at that time and evangelistic leaders that i previously respected) endorse Todd Bentley, a nutburger that led a florida “revival” in 2009 with extremely questionable manifestations of Gods presence (I actually think it was demonic spirits) and who really screwed up, and that list could go on…so excuse me if i question endorsements by leaders. I’ve seen prosperity preachers and others like Hinn, Mike Murdoch, Ken Copeland, his buddy from Louisiana (forgot his name) and many more deceive the elect for gain. For their private jets and large homes. I was also taken in for years but I’ve seen the Light. 🙂

    I’ve become increasingly pessimistic about many men who claim God, to the point that I’ve stopped watching megachurch leaders and any prosperity preachers. (If you tithe and give when and where God tells you, you will prosper in spirit and health). I’ve seen a lot of abuse of Gods people by their “leaders” in my years circling the Son.

    My senator is a PK, John Thune. (pastors kid, free methodist i believe), I will never vote for him again. He claims Christ, but is as Rino as the best of them. There are others who claim Christ, but dont have works that confirm it. So I am aware and I look at anyone suspiciously that wears their religion on their sleeve for any gain, political or otherwise. I have dealt with non-believers that are more trustworthy than many believers. I have been screwed royally in business by “believers”, and treated honorably by those who are not.

    In conclusion (looks at watch), I have followed Christ since I was 8, and am almost retired now, I am not a Bible scholar, but God tells us to not be deceived, and many of these preachers do deceive, and we all need to be on the watchtower, looking for those wolves in sheeps clothing. Raphael may or may not be one of those, but his association with the Hinns (spit) is suspicious.

    Have a great Sunday. Its another day in paradise here. Colder that crap, but still paradise.

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