Journalist Killed By Russian Death Squad – IOTW Report

Journalist Killed By Russian Death Squad

41 Comments on Journalist Killed By Russian Death Squad

  1. A “professional ambush”? I wonder, did these professional ambushers identify themselves as Russian? Could just as easily been Ukrainian ambushers. Advocacy journalism being practiced.

  2. Don’t shoot!
    I’m a one sided Journalist.
    I’m trying to convince the world to bomb you from above & kill you.
    Don’t shoot.
    We are cutting off all money in your country to help starve your mom & families.
    Please Please, Give us a chance to get through & divulge your exact location.
    Please! please! We are more important than actors!

  3. Idiots. Why do they think that just because they are “journalists” they are immune? If the Russians are killing civilians, they aren’t going to stop from killing the media.

  4. Reporters all seem to think that they are untouchable, and that screaming “Journalist” will make the people trying to kill them stop. They are wrong. If shit goes down here in the states, the first reporter I see is going to be shot multiple times. Don’t be mad, the news cannot be trusted to provide unbiased reporting.

  5. Related; A ghetto born street thug who has shown an alacrity for putting a round ball in a hole and became a WNBA star (low bar, agreed) just got herself arrested in Russia on drug charges;

    What little I’ve read about Grinner is that she likes to get into fights, apparently raised to think that violence is a proper response in place of civilized discord.

    Now we have another distraction. The Fourth Estate will distort Grinner as some sort of person worth the attention she really doesn’t deserve. Stupid people that don’t follow the laws of the countries they visit, no sympathy here.

  6. Screaming “journalist” is an old civilian stunt to keep from getting shot. If you’re about to get shot, it’s worth a try I suppose. Better to not be exposed in such a manner in a war zone to begin with.

  7. I’m planning to drive through a war zone. I’m sure it will be OK and safe for us because I’m a reporter. I am positive that no one will shoot as us.

    Who want’s to go with me?

  8. Didn’t bother them when Muslims broadcast the beheading of journalists Daniel Pearl with a dull knife.

    …orders are orders, I suppose.

    Plus, he was Jewish, and they hate that reflexively.

    …my only feeling on the matter is that I hope there’s some hit squads waiting outside every MSM studio HERE as well.

    …only way to end the Democrat fake news, and the Russians DO have a law against that, after all.

    …too bad the Russians are so slow, tho.

    Sure would be nice if they caught some of their kids that Democrats sent over to grift the Ukraine good and proper,though, in the family tradition…

  9. Damn near every breaking story that’s been released since this started has been proven to be false.
    There’s not many winners that will come out of this. Liz Cheney and Co will make a lot of money. And the Clinton gang and the Biden gang have a good chance of covering up major corruption. Mean while the medias engineered response they’re trying to generate is pathetic. The big losers, the Ukrainian citizens.

  10. “Damn near every breaking story that’s been released since this started has been proven to be false.”

    What’s that old saying, “Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see”? I’m pretty sure there is some bad shit happening in Ukraine, as far as the real details, beats me.

    I don’t purport to be a military genius (although my skills at Command and Conquer video games are legendary) but this has been bugging me; We have been hearing for a solid week how 40 miles of Russian trucks chock full of troops and equipment are stuck in Ukraine, just sitting there. Why aren’t the Ukrainians destroying this convoy? I keep reading about all these Stingers and Javalin missiles they have. Hell, a couple of hundred Molotov cocktails could take care of business. Or is this also fake news,”This isn’t a Russian convey, but an actual photo of the dems delivering more fake ballots to a local Georgia voting place”.

  11. Rich Taylor

    Yes, and when you consider the Soros connection and the fact that our deep state has staged two coups in the last couple years, one here, and the other in Ukraine, resulting in overthrowing their respective leaders, something’s not smelling right.
    The medias ability to force feed you a false narrative has got to be stopped.
    We have friends visiting. Very conservative, and until last night under the opinion that this was all Putin’s fault and he is one evil SOB. But they get their news from one source. Fox News.

  12. If anyone on this site cares to learn what is really going on with Russia’s war on Ukraine, this site has the very best explanations of the military situation that I’ve come across:

    Task & Purpose at:

    All of his most recent videos are very informative and forecast a very grim outlook for the Ukrainians.

  13. @ontoiran March 5, 2022 at 2:16 pm

    > all those bullets and not a single journalist killed

    That’s what happens, when you all turn your guns sideways, as soon as the red light goes on.

  14. “The medias ability to force feed you a false narrative has got to be stopped.” -Brad

    The 4th Estate and the U.S. Government are now the same.

    And combined, they are but a subset of the Global Estate, which is now the 1st Estate – and in power.

    So, it’s more than re-establishing the 4th Estate as an independent agency. It’s also about re-establishing The United States Government as an independent agency of the American people. Both of these are tall orders, indeed.

  15. General Malaise

    I figure the motivation for the betrayal of our country, to the Constitutional Republic, has got to be fueled by these individuals thinking they all are going to have a place at the table. Ironically, the table won’t be nearly as big as they think.

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  17. Somebody didn’t want to kill them very badly.
    And a “hail of bullets” but no holes in the open car door?
    Lotta tracers and noise.
    What’s the point of wasting ammo just to make some “journalists” walk instead of ride?
    Maybe ammo’s cheaper in Ukraine?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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