Journalist Makes a Complete Ass of Himself With Elon Musk – IOTW Report

Journalist Makes a Complete Ass of Himself With Elon Musk

This dope says he’s seen a rise in hateful content on Twitter.

Musk asks for an example.

He stutters and says he hasn’t been on Twitter.

Musk asks how would he know.

He says he’s “heard.”

Musk calls him a liar.

The journalist says, “let’s move on.’

Make no mistake, there is no “rise” of hateful content. The left thinks so because now there are things on Twitter that make them uncomfortable, you know, like THE TRUTH.

14 Comments on Journalist Makes a Complete Ass of Himself With Elon Musk

  1. The simple fact that not a single example of an establishment Republican ever standing up to one of their dear, dear friends across the aisle like that tells me all I need to know about their sincerity

  2. I’ve been seeing commercials on the telly about the rise of “anti-semitism”, “there’s been “x” percent rise in hate against Jewish (whatever)”.
    Naturally my BS Give-A-Shit meter pegged.
    I should use that argument if someone brings it up, “show me a real life example.
    If you can’t, then it didn’t happen.”

  3. DildoCrat “hateful content” = factual truth that we disagree with that destroys our agenda.

  4. This is every single discussion I have with a leftist.
    Me: ‘Here are my receipts, where are yours?’
    Them: ‘Look it up yourself! I already told you! I just know! Also, you are a bad person!’
    You can never get anywhere with them because they won’t even try. If this were debate competition they would utterly fail – but it’s just public discourse so they think they can say they are right and you are wrong and that makes them right. All you can do is call it out and perhaps make fun of their idiocy, but they won’t change. All you really can do is appeal to the others who are watching, who may engage.

  5. Well, Jpm, there was that time where he broke a “bullet-proof” window with a ball bearing.

    Musk seems to be centrist, or just confused politically. I guess we’ll see which direction he takes. He does seem to be an independent thinker though.

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