Journalist sentenced to 2 years in LA Times hacking case – IOTW Report

Journalist sentenced to 2 years in LA Times hacking case

MSN: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A well-known social media journalist was sentenced to two years in federal prison Wednesday

Keys sentenced for hacking la times

after he was convicted of conspiring with the hacking group Anonymous to break into the Los Angeles Times’ website and alter a story.

Despite his role in the news media, federal prosecutors in Sacramento say Matthew Keys, 29, of Vacaville was simply a disgruntled employee striking back at his former employer.

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9 Comments on Journalist sentenced to 2 years in LA Times hacking case

  1. The fat boy screwed up and needs his knuckles rapped, but two years? The one who needs to do hard time is the moron in charge of IT security. When someone with login credentials quits or is fired, the very first thing you do is slag the user ID.

  2. Anyone stupid enough to hang around those anon fags deserve whatever they get.
    The top guys in anon are well known and only get to hang around because they rat out enough people to be of value.

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