Journalist Seymour Hersh stating on the record that Seth Rich in contact with WikiLeaks – IOTW Report

Journalist Seymour Hersh stating on the record that Seth Rich in contact with WikiLeaks


Journalist Seymour Hersh stating on the record that not only was Seth Rich in contact with WikiLeaks, but that he managed to get his hands on some of the original communications between Rich and Wikileaks!

We can only wonder how long before NPR has to issue a FULL retraction on their article that attempted to claim there was no connection. In the audio posted below, Hersh confirms that WikiLeaks had DIRECT password access to the protected DropBox where Rich was uploading the files leaked from the DNC.

Via Big League Politics:

ht/ all too much

10 Comments on Journalist Seymour Hersh stating on the record that Seth Rich in contact with WikiLeaks

  1. If this does’t EX PLODE in the Democrat face nothing ever will. It’s starting to read like a bad made for TV movie. Most the population of our country will be shocked when they start jailing Democrats though because if your not on the Internet you would never know what’s up.

  2. Dobbs just asked one of the Freedom Caucus members why they aren’t marching down to the Speaker’s office and demand that “…he grow a brain!” over all this.

  3. in some future world all this, & much more (the Pakistani/DNC treachery, the Russian collusion, ‘free’ health care, the selling of the United States) by DemocRats & Repugnicans may come to light
    .. but today’s criminals (democRats, repugnicans & the media) will simply ignore … while the masses slip into their cellphone-induced comas, yammer for ‘hearings’ & obliviously wait to be unplugged when their batteries wear out

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