‘Journalists’ Deserve Most of the Blame for Newsroom Shrinkage – IOTW Report

‘Journalists’ Deserve Most of the Blame for Newsroom Shrinkage

crying man

Newsbusters: Columbia Journalism professor Dale Maharidge has produced a lengthy lament about the state of print and newsroom journalism, and how hard it’s been on those forced out of their jobs. It’s present online at The Nation, one of the far-left’s flagships, and at BillMoyers.com, the web site of the former Johnson administration press secretary. The delusional Moyers believes that “We have an ideological press that’s interested in the election of Republicans.”

The title of Maharidge’s mournful missive at Moyers’ site asks a question: “What Happens to Journalists When No One Wants to Print Their Words Anymore?” The answer, Mr. Maharidge, is that when all of you had the chance, you failed to be reporters, and did so in the name of agenda-driven “journalism.” You failed to give the public the basic information it had every right to expect, and in the process frequently demonstrated contempt for your audience. As a result, the public has largely tuned newspapers out, and they’re not coming back.   MORE

12 Comments on ‘Journalists’ Deserve Most of the Blame for Newsroom Shrinkage

  1. why pay for propaganda?

    I mean, it’s just adding insult to injury. Not only is it insulting that our “news” has degenerated into blatant propaganda from the establishment of both parties (mostly the democrats though) –

    But you expect us to PAY for it too? No. I’ll not be paying for a “newspaper” I don’t have puppies or a bird cage it would serve no purpose.

    I don’t “subscribe” to magazines either, even for technical publications like pop mech and pop sci or even electronics mags the liberal left opinions of the J major editors just oozes through.

    With the internet you can pick and choose what you want to read to stay informed and it doesn’t require a subscription other than your ISP bill or donations to your favorite blog.

  2. destroy your industry with over priced substandard product and then whine about not having a job.

    typical liberals.

    it’s always those darned unintended consequences of your life choices that make life so difficult.

    go ahead and be cheerleaders for the political class and see how that works out for you.

    oh, it didn’t, you are losing your industry.

    hey journalists, how many “whine” and cheese parties are you being invited to in dc by your “political elite friends” now that you no longer have influence over the voting public with your version of the “news”.

    well you can always hate on the trump to increase your exposure, at least for a little while yet.

  3. About once a month I steal the newspaper from my progtard neighbor’s driveway, he doesn’t ever notice since 4 of them stack up before he makes an effort to pick them up. I run it thru the shredder to feed my worm farm. If he ever catches me, I’ll just tell him it’s nothing but a bunch of propaganda to elect a Republican. That’ll shut him up.

  4. People are constantly surprised by the deplorable state of Education and Journalism in this country. They fail to remember that the dumbest students entering college major in those two fields of study in order to graduate and get a degree. Ergo, then they labor ever so diligently in those two areas (thanks to blessed labor support and backing) to contribute even more stupidity and inanity
    to ongoing failure and malfeasance!

  5. The major newspaper in our west coast city brags about not having a single conservative on their payroll. They endorse every leftist candidate and cause, eviscerate every conservative, and claim to be balanced. The paper is now about 1/5th the size it used to be and they only deliver a few days a week. They would rather support the left and go out of business than present both sides and survive. We do our part to help them go out of business.

  6. This is exactly the type of journalist who wants a financial bailout from the government to keep the press free.

    The failure of these people is a prime example of the free market at work. You put out an obviously inferior product made by inferior people and the public refuses to buy it. These jerk offs worked hard for the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the Reid’s, the Pelosi’s, the peaceful Pisslamists to earn this failure

  7. I once walked into the local grocery store (a chain) and The Denver Post had a rep there giving away $20 cards to that grocery store- the only hitch: you had to sign up for the Sunday paper. I looked the guy and said “you literal can’t pay people to subscribe can you?”.

    The news papers are going the way of the dinosaurs and they only have themselves to blame. But why blame yourself when you can blame the thing that you hate? I wonder how many Papers endorsed Mitt over Obama in 2012 Bill Moyers can name? Does anyone wonder one who the major papers will endorse this fall?

  8. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Moyers believes that we have an ideological press interested in the election of REPUBLICANS. That kind of delusion just leaves me slack-jawed. Can he really believe that?

  9. Check out who owns some of the newspapers. The New York Times by a Mexican, WSJ by a slippery Australian character and many more by a billionaire supporter of old hag and soon to be indicted criminal Rodham Clinton to name just three of many!

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